Глава Палестины Махмуд Аббас заявил, что вторжение ЦАХАЛ в город Рафах станет крупнейшей катастрофой в истории Палестины. #Израиль #сектор Газа #палестина #ЦАХАЛ #ХАМАС #палестино-израильский конфликт. Посол Палестины в ООН Рияд Мансур сообщил журналистам, что это заявление поддержали все 15 членов СБ ООН, кроме США.. Студенты ведущих университетов США начали проводить акции солидарности с Палестиной осенью прошлого года, с самого начала войны между Израилем и ХАМАС. Новости Палестины: подборка материалов про самые актуальные события в стране на
Величайшей катастрофой назвал президент Палестины вторжение ЦАХАЛ в Рафах
Новость из демократического и свободного мира: в Берлине запрещают популярную на демонстрациях кричалку "From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free" ("От Реки до Моря. Read full article: Free Palestinians from Hamas. Jewish students have reported feeling harassed and unsafe on campus as protesters chant things like, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”.
COVID shutdowns, isolation to blame for pro-Palestine protests, experts say
Free Free Palestine - Single - Album by SUNTRUTH - Apple Music | Since 2010, Radio Free has supported the work of thousands of independent journalists, learn more about how your donation helps improve journalism for everyone. |
Telegram: Contact @freepallestin | Solace 2. Cinder - Ceasefire & Beyond 3. io - She Will Always Sing 4. Âsan - Midnight Thunderstorm 5. Marek. |
Pro-Palestine Protests Are Being Banned in Europe | TIME | EVENTS LISTING Free Palestine Melbourne Organising Meetings We meet on the second Saturday of every month (unless there is a public holiday) from 1pm at the Kathleen Syme Library in Carlton. |
Президент Палестины сделал громкое заявление
Hamas today said it was studying the latest counterproposal regarding a potential ceasefire in Gaza, a day after media reports said a delegation from mediator Egypt arrived in Israel in a bid to jump-start stalled negotiations. The signs of fresh truce talks came alongside at least three Israeli air strikes during the night in Rafah, southernmost Gaza, according to AFP. Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been unsuccessfully trying to seal a new truce deal in Gaza ever since a one-week halt to the fighting in November saw 80 Israeli hostages exchanged for 240 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. A delegation from Egypt arrived in Israel on Friday hoping to revive the truce negotiations, Israeli and Egyptian media reported. In early April Hamas had said it was studying a proposal, after talks in Cairo, and Al-Qahera reported progress. Days later Israel and Hamas accused each other of undermining negotiations.
Вашингтон — штурм Конгресса В одно из зданий Конгресса США прорвались демонстранты , которые требуют прекращения огня в секторе Газа и прекращения военной помощи Израилю. Об этом сообщила в соцсети общественная организация Jewish Voice for Peace. Многие протестующие размахивали палестинскими флагами, другие держали в руках плакаты, обвиняющие Израиль в гибели сотен детей в секторе Газа. А турецкий лидер Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган объявил в стране трехдневный траур в память о погибших в Палестине. Подписывайтесь, чтобы первыми узнавать о важном. По теме.
The left, within and beyond the international Palestine solidarity movement, is doomed if we abandon our long-standing principles. But to be preoccupied with condemnation of Hamas is entirely futile. Hamas did not exist for the first 30 years of the conflict. It is an open secret that Israel facilitated the creation of Hamas to deliberately destabilize the Palestinian Liberation Organization. But Oslo was a trap. And if Hamas could supplant the PLO in Gaza which they did through a mix of intimidation and elections , Israel could continue the siege indefinitely. That assumption has been brutally put down. Perhaps Israel will achieve the seemingly impossible task of wiping out Hamas. But something else will take their place. One can be assured of this. Even as their homes collapse around them, crushing their loved ones, the Palestinians continue to reiterate that they will never leave. Whatever replaces Hamas will have the same options available to them to fight back and secure their rule over Gaza. There are only two entities in the world that can end the violence. Only Israel can end the occupation of the West Bank and the siege of Gaza , and only the US can stop arming the garrison state and giving it diplomatic cover internationally. All pressure must remain on the apartheid regime and the US, and our solidarity with the Palestinian people. Yet this solidarity cannot extend to those who would kill the innocent.
Премьер Биньямин Нетаньяху отменил 27 марта 2024 Израиль нанес удар по Рафаху. В результате погибли 15 человек.
US police arrest 108 pro-Palestine protesters at Columbia University. Welcome to Palestine Free, a dedicated platform committed to advocating for peace, justice, and freedom in Palestine. EVENTS LISTING Free Palestine Melbourne Organising Meetings We meet on the second Saturday of every month (unless there is a public holiday) from 1pm at the Kathleen Syme Library in Carlton.
Главу Израиля хотят отдать под суд. Кто, за что, и причем тут «свободная Палестина»?
Ошибка в тексте?
Perhaps Israel will achieve the seemingly impossible task of wiping out Hamas. But something else will take their place. One can be assured of this. Even as their homes collapse around them, crushing their loved ones, the Palestinians continue to reiterate that they will never leave.
Whatever replaces Hamas will have the same options available to them to fight back and secure their rule over Gaza. There are only two entities in the world that can end the violence. Only Israel can end the occupation of the West Bank and the siege of Gaza , and only the US can stop arming the garrison state and giving it diplomatic cover internationally. All pressure must remain on the apartheid regime and the US, and our solidarity with the Palestinian people. Yet this solidarity cannot extend to those who would kill the innocent.
The principle of rejecting violence against civilians should not need to be stated. However, there has been some questionable prevarication from parts of the left. But Fanon was clear to distinguish between revolutionary violence, which was a conscious and strategic act aimed at dismantling the repressive apparatus of the colonial system, and reactive or spontaneous violence, which was a more immediate and emotional response to the oppressor, governed by the logic of vengeance. And, it is unclear whether these attacks were by design in the first place. There are clearly highly divergent accounts coming from Israeli civilians and Gazan militants.
But this only makes it all the more confounding when parts of the international left condone violence against civilians. Violence must be contextualized , of course, but making resistance synonymous with the murder of the defenseless is indefensible.
Puerstl said the police interpreted that in the current context as a "clear call to violence", adding that it meant wiping Israel off the map "The demonstration obviously aims to create a climate in which the violent conflict in this region the Middle East is brought onto the streets of Vienna," Puerstl said, adding that when police contacted the woman who registered the demonstration she did not distance herself from the phrase. He did not identify her.
The river is the Jordan and the sea is the Mediterranean, between which lie Israel and the Palestinian territories. The phrase is often chanted at pro-Palestinian demonstrations.
Daily vigil 9am-9pm on the steps of Parliament, Spring St, Melbourne
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- Africa, Middle East, and India
- В США арестованы участники акции в поддержку Палестины
- Президент Палестины ожидает операцию Израиля в Рафахе в ближайшие дни
- Gaza Crisis Appeal
Величайшей катастрофой назвал президент Палестины вторжение ЦАХАЛ в Рафах
Главные новости о конфликте Израиля и Палестины за минувшие сутки - 13 октября 2023 - Е1.ру | US police arrest 108 pro-Palestine protesters at Columbia University. |
Blame the pandemic for pro-Palestine demonstrations: experts | Президент Палестины Махмуд Аббас заявил в воскресенье 28 апреля на конференции в столице Саудовской Аравии Эр-Рияде, что только США могут остановить нападение Израиля. |
«75 лет нас убивают каждый день». Посол Палестины о войне с Израилем | A brave Palestinian chooses liberty or death The Free Palestine Movement participates in the vigil as the life of Palestinian political prisoner Maher Akhras, held in an Israeli prison indefinitely without. |
Free Palestine, Free Gaza | Green Left | President Abbas’s representative: Granting Palestine full members. |
Президент Палестины Аббас: Израиль начнет операцию в Рафахе в ближайшие дни | В Париже около суток продолжалось противостояние полиции и студентов, которые вышли на акцию в поддержку Палестины. |
Iran rights official slams US ‘violent crackdown’ on pro-Palestine student protests
Президент Палестины обратился к США с требованием повлиять на Израиль и заставить страну отказаться от планов по военной операции в Рафахе. ХАМАС выступило с двухэтапным планом организации управления в Палестине, но его не поддержали. Sign in or create a free account to save your preferences. С таким заявлением выступил президент Палестины Махмуд Аббас на полях специальной сессии Всемирного экономического форума, проходящей в Эр-Рияде. audio. Free Palestine 22-xi-2023. by. AMM All-Stars; Free Music.
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Палестина — все новости по теме на сайте издания шахиды террористы напали на мирных граждан израиля, и убили несколько человек. израиль решил отомстить, устроив судную ночь для всей палестины. Jewish students have reported feeling harassed and unsafe on campus as protesters chant things like, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”.
Палестина — Израиль: развитие конфликта и травля звезд за пару строчек в соцсетях
Free Palestine, Free Gaza | US police arrest 108 pro-Palestine protesters at Columbia University. |
Палестинские радикалы провели мощные атаки на израильских военных | You can choose to allow them or you can manage them individually using the options available here. Free Palestine Now Cookie Policy. |
Палестина: жизнь без государства и радикализация | Президент Палестины Махмуд Аббас не исключил, что уже в ближайшие несколько дней израильские войска начнут операцию в городе Рафахе на юге сектора Газа. |