Мод Mad Skills для Rimworld — изменяет систему деградирования навыков колонистов.
Мы отобрали для вас лучшие моды для RimWorld и вы сможете скачать их бесплатно. Моды для RimWorld "RimMini: Сборка модификаций [RU]". все новости по игре на сегодня, подборка самых свежих игровых новостей - CQ. Поэтому мы рассмотрим лучшие моды для Rimworld 2024 года, чтобы ваш игровой опыт стал еще лучше. Royalty RimWorld - Ideology RimWorld - Biotech RimWorld - Anomaly.
19 Best RimWorld Mods
Моды для RimWorld Подборка самых лучших и полезных модов для игры RimWorld улучшающие игровой процесс и интерфейс, добавляющие новые расы, сценарии и многое. Download Mods for RimWorld 1.4. 1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0: Here you will find the most popular Rimworld mods that you can download for free. Мы отобрали для вас лучшие моды для RimWorld и вы сможете скачать их бесплатно. Смотрите историю обновлений RimWorld или читайте все актуальные новости RimWorld в удобном блоге.
Плагиат и халтура: почему я НЕ буду покупать новое DLC Anomaly для Rimworld?
Проведите исследования и выпускайте своих колонистов на добычу или производство ядерного топлива. После заполнения ядерного топливом вам нужно установить контроль за реактором. Для этого постройте консоль управления неподалеку от реактора и назначьте оператора. Оператор будет отвечать за наблюдение и поддержание работы реактора в оптимальном состоянии. Во время работы реактора следите за его температурой и уровнем топлива. Поддерживайте температуру реактора на оптимальном уровне, чтобы избежать перегрева или аварий. При нехватке топлива реактор будет постепенно терять мощность и в конечном итоге остановится. Для более эффективного использования ядерной энергии вы можете подключить реактор к электроустановкам в вашей базе. Проведите кабели от реактора к нужным потребителям энергии и настройте соединение.
Также не забывайте про безопасность при работе с ядерной энергией. Оберегайте реактор от повреждений и взрывов, устанавливайте пожарные системы и регулярно проверяйте его состояние. Создание и управление ядерными реакторами — сложный процесс, но при правильном подходе они могут стать важным источником энергии для вашей колонии. Используйте возможности мода Rimatomics, чтобы достичь энергетической независимости и развить свою колонию в новом направлении. Replace Stuff С такой настройкой можно размещать здания где угодно, поверх существующих вещей. Вы сможете: заменять материалы, из которых построено здание например, можно заменить деревянную стену на шиферную ; модернизировать оборудование например, можно заменить обычные двери на автоматические, поставить кровати большего размера, верстаки сделать электрическими ; строить над камнями, водой или занятыми участками. При этом все камни будут собраны, а мосты построены над водой, чтобы освободить место для строительства. Мод также позволяет разрушенным зданиям «помнить настройки» при автоматическом восстановлении.
А еще добавляются настенные кулеры, поэтому вам не нужно ломать стену для установки кулера. Большим плюсом является то, что колонисты теперь не блокируют строительство, а угловые стены можно возводить изнутри. И еще очень много изменений, которые можно прочитать у создателя мода или же обнаружить при установке в своей игре. Производство и использование ядерного топлива Мод Rimatomics для Rimworld добавляет интересную и опасную возможность — производство и использование ядерного топлива. Ядерное топливо является важным ресурсом в мире Rimworld, и его правильное использование может принести большую пользу. Получение ядерного топлива Для производства ядерного топлива вам понадобятся несколько вещей: Ядерная энергетическая станция ЯЭС. Она представляет собой большую структуру, которая производит ядерное топливо и генерирует энергию. Урановая руда.
Она является исходным материалом для производства ядерного топлива. Руду можно добыть при помощи рудников или купить у торговцев. Переработчик урана. Это здание, которое перерабатывает урановую руду в ядерное топливо. Чтобы начать производство ядерного топлива, разместите ЯЭС, урановую руду и переработчик урана вблизи друг друга. Затем назначьте рабочих, которые будут заниматься добычей урановой руды и производством ядерного топлива. Использование ядерного топлива Ядерное топливо может быть использовано для различных целей: Питание ЯЭС. Ядерное топливо можно вставить прямо в ЯЭС, чтобы обеспечить его энергией.
ЯЭС генерирует большое количество электроэнергии, которую можно использовать для работы вашей колонии. Питание ядерных оружий.
Weapons of the Gods [link] Этот мод добавляет 2 новых верстака, 5 новых частей брони, 3 новых предмета, 2 мощные турели и 6 новых мощных орудий божьей силы, сделанных из технологии темной материи. Этот мод позволяет вам создавать оружие разрушительной силы, которое позволит вам с легкостью сокрушать своих врагов, при условии, что вы должны выжить достаточно долго, чтобы создать их.
Главная » Гайды и прохождения » Как в RimWorld установить моды в 2022 году? Как в RimWorld установить моды в 2022 году? Кратко поясню новичкам, как в RimWorld установить моды, поскольку устанавливать модификации в «Мастерской Steam» и от сторонних умельцев полезно.
Это расширяет ваши возможности. Надоела схематичная графика? Хочется исправить баги и добавить больше геймдизайнерских возможностей?
Если пошло что-то не так, напишите в комментариях к неработающему материалу. Мы попытаемся решить проблему. Политика конфиденциальности Обратная связь О проекте Стать автором Опубликовать материал Разместить рекламу Авторство.
RimWorld с модами и без них
This mod adds new wind turbines to the game that generate more energy, making it easier to keep your colonies running smoothly. Go Explore Go Explore adds new Rimworld random events. Go Explore is a mod for Rimworld that adds new random events like raiding ancient cities or finding abandoned spaceships. Each custom event is interesting narrative-wise and rewarding for your colony. One of the great things about Rimworld is the sense of variety and exploration it offers. Every game is different, thanks to the random events that can occur. We highly recommend any mod that enhances this unique quality. This mod is essential for any Rimworld player who wants to customize their game experience.
You can also change their clothes and titles to give them a more unique look. Whether you want to make your colonists better at gathering, fighting, or just look better, the Character Editor mod has you covered. Mods like this are among the best Rimworld mods because of the level of control they give. Sparkling Worlds Enjoy Rimworld for many more hours with this mini-expansion called Sparkling Worlds. Rimworld is a great game, but it can be challenging to keep things fresh after hundreds of hours of play. Sparkling Worlds is a mod that introduces several new advanced items, weapons, and buildings without deviating too much from the vanilla game. The mod also includes somequality-of-life improvements involving crafting, storage, farm animals, and more.
Sparkling worlds is a great way to add some new spice to your Rimworld experience. Mine to Exhaustion This mod makes it easier to target and collect particular ore resources. Building up your base in Rimworld is a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Mine to Exhaustion is a simple quality of life mod that makes the experience even smoother. Best of all, it only considers adjacent tiles, which keeps it from revealing more information than a player should have access to, unlike some other mining mods. Xenohumans — Gen-spliced Xenos on the Rim Xenohumans is a mod that adds four new vanilla-friendly races to Rimworld. Each new race is based on the basic human colonist; each can be chosen as starter units.
Players will also encounter these newcomers later in the game as enemies, wanderers, or refugees. Hugslib With the many mods for Rimworld out there, you have or will have encountered an issue with running multiple mods at a time. The HugsLib mod fixes that by providing a database where mods can be run simultaneously without challenge. This mod provides additional library controls, a log publisher, log window additions, and more. In fact, many mods for Rimworld require you to have HugsLib downloaded in order to function. HugsLib is great for keeping your mods in one place, making it easy to sort, find and manage them. There are three modules included in this mod that affect gameplay without being too intrusive.
Basically, the point of this mod is to turn each colonist into a more unique character, including how they think, talk and behave. This is done by the mod adding a multi-layered profile with approximately over one million combinations. The creator states that this mod is loosely based on the Enneagram personality type system, which includes 16 primary personality types. Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering This mod is the perfect addition for any player who wants the chance to create super-colonists with stronger sci-fi enhancements. The Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering mod provides players with the ability to create artificial organs and custom prostheses. You can research and craft advanced bionics and synthetic organs, which helps in times when organs go missing. Some of the main features of this mod include crafting prostheses, new parts, upgrading bionics with new advanced parts, curing brain damage, and much more!
This mod is also vanilla game friendly and offers multiple language options, including German, French, Spanish, Chinese, and more. Multiplayer Multiplayer is one of the most exciting modsfor the game because it allows you to play the game with your friends. Using this mod, you can go around and perform different war crimes along with the best people around you. It is also compatible with Royalty and has almost 98 percent features except for the colony name. This mod works with the 1. You can play with as many players as you want in this mod; however, it is recommended by the mod creators not to do it with more than 8 players at a time. RF Rational Romance allows you to develop romantic feelings and orientations among the pawns of the colony because we believe that a bit of intimacy can keep you motivated to play for hours.
Apart from romantic behavior, it also includes new traits and activities among the colonists, such as long walks as a date option for couples which helps them to improve their relationships and enhance intimacy. It is compatible with the 1. Children, School and Learning This mod takes realism to another level within the game. Children, School, and Learning allow players to have kids and add pregnancies to the game. However, this mod does not include realism as children are born like 15 years old, which is good and bad depending on how you look at things. Birth control pills can also be crafted, and according to the drug policy of the game, one pill lasts for 5 days. The newborn kids inherit many traits from their parents, but they also have random traits and passion.
You can build boards and tables where the children get the education and learn skills from the colonists giving you a realistic worldly feel. Yes, education is important in-game because you want useful citizens and not those that only consume resources. Vanilla Expanded Vanilla Expanded is a collection of a wide range of mods in the game, which expands the game in all directions. This mod helps you to experienceRimWorld with a deeper and variety of experiences. A lot of new content has been added in this mod, including expanded armor and weapons, new furniture, better plants and cooking, more animals, and many books. This mod is a wonderful addition to the game, which has massively enhanced the gameplay allowing gamers to experience new interactions, great combat, and a new game look. Blueprints Constructing new buildings is a big hassle in RimWorld as it takes a lot of time and precision to build a building such as a home.
However, the Blueprints mod allows you to take the blueprints of already constructed buildings and create them much quicker. Once you have built a building, you can take the blueprint of that, and if you want to produce a copy of that, you just have to click on the blueprint button and select your desired design. Not only that, but it also allows you to change the wall color, wall material, and many other aspects of the building, giving you a customized feel at a fraction of the time spent. Though there are many mods for adding new hairstyles, such as vanilla expanded, this mod has a new variety of hair colors and styles that you may want.
Men as visitors are allowed to visit the colony, but they are not welcomed to live in it or procreate. If any woman Amazon engages in a relationship with men, she must be banished from the colony forever.
The mod takes this one step further by removing food and water for men, which can lead to their death if guests stay a bit longer. Medieval Times Sometimes we can get bored of playing the same game with the same features, maps, quests, and more. There are many mods in RimWorld that help you change the scenario and time of the gameplay. Medieval Times are an example of that which changes all the items, clothes, homes and molds them into something from medieval times. The mod also replaces modern weapons and shields with that of medieval times where you live in tribes and clans. Now raise your spears and bows as your colonists embark on a medieval hunting expedition and much more.
The Survival Reality Show If you are looking to have some extra fun and want to organize a reality show in RimWorld, so be it. The Survival Reality Show allows you to become a reality show producer, allowing you to take 10 colonists and host the show. You help the contestants by guiding them about the drama, which will determine the elimination method. After every 5 days, one contestant will be eliminated, and the top 2 will contest for the final round. Dubs Bad Hygiene allows building a system of hygiene in the game. You have to create a sewerage and plumbing system in order for your colonists to clean.
Apart from sewage and toilet systems, this mod also provides additional features such as hot tubs, water irrigation, and bathing. Improve the lifestyle of your colony and colonist by bringing in innovative water usage and implementing hygiene SOPs. Realistic Rooms As colonists flock to a new world searching for a better life, they have certain expectations regarding their belongings, and room sizes are no exception. Realistic Rooms allow you to make your room more realistic and compatible without upsetting the other colonists. The mod brings a minimalistic feel to the game by ensuring smaller room sizes without compromising on the qualities of spacious rooms. Yes, your colonists enjoy the feel of a minimalistic yet spacious room.
Start With Nothing Born cold and naked, this mod makes the game really challenging. Start With Nothing sees your ship taken over by the AI. All men are either killed or taken as captives, and the imprisoned humans are treated like slaves. After getting tired of the situation, you formulate a plan to escape, eventually leading you to RimWorld, where you end up with nothing. The mod introduces you to the cold reality of starting from the bottom. You need to be inventive, quick, and decisive to survive and create a colony to thrive.
In this mod, 12 new magic classes and 6 new fighting classes are introduced, each with its own set of abilities and development. The development tree of the classes can level up the class with the passage of time. This mod also has some additional features such as gems crafting, magical building, and a separate magic faction. You can even control the AI difficult according to your own comfort levels. It is fantastic to dwell in the world of magic. Dark World If you are looking for a challenging scenario in the game, dark world is one of the best mods available.
In this mod, there is a scenario in which players were supposed to be in slumber for 2 decades in the hopes to witness a new tomorrow. However, that never happens as the slumber system falters and players wake up after four centuries. Build your colony under the dark eclipse as you struggle to get grips to reality with 5 colonists by your side. However, unlike the show, you can build your own go-juice empire. But before that, before you can shower in wealth from the illicit drug trade, you need to gather resources and ensure you have an area where you can cook all this stuff to sell. Addiction is bad so keep an eye out for potential druggies in your colonists trying to steal your product.
Randomplus Add some suspense and excitement to the game with RandomPlus. The mod allows you to control some aspects of the pawns while taking others at random. For example, if you want only to increase the fighting spirit of the pawns without disturbing other aspects, you can do it easily with it. You can also set any aspect of the pawn according to your own liking in the game. Interaction Bubbles If you ever check your social jog, you will find your colonists making conversation with each other. However, using interaction bubbles , you can have all the messages on your screen wrapped in a bubble to not miss any interaction.
This feature can be added or removed anytime without disturbing your saved files. Simple Sidearms If you want your pawns to carry more than one weapon at a time, get Simple Sidearms. The mod allows you and your pawns to carry a melee and a fire gun at the same time. It also increases the inventory space for you. During combat, your pawns can face different scenarios in which they will need a hybrid set of weapons to fight. In these conditions, this mod is perfect.
It not only increases the capacity to carry more weapons but also makes the combat more dynamic. Death Rattle Those who have played RimWorld would be familiar that it takes a lot of time and hard work to train the pawns and develop good relations with them. Combating in RimWorld can be very dangerous, and it takes only one lucky shot to permanently eliminate any of your pawns because some injuries are very lethal. That unlucky pawn can be your favorite one, and losing him can be very tragic for you. However, adding Death Rattle mod allows rescuing any of your pawns instantly. It will add a doctor window to your screen, and in any such situation, you just have to click on the window icon in order to save your pawn from dying.
Worldedit 2. Whether you want to change the temperature, biome, or rainfall, all are available in the WorldEdit 2. Not only that, but you can also change the type of rocks, mountains, and caves. The mod also enables you to create or delete a river of your own choice, roads as you like, as well as factions on the map. You can also choose and name a leader in the newly created faction.
Abrasive characters will interact poorly and harm the mood of those around them.
A nudist loves to be naked, while a cannibal gets a rush from consuming human flesh. Colonists develop - and destroy - relationships. Perhaps your two best colonists are happily married - until one of them falls for the dashing surgeon who saved her from a gunshot wound. Eye injuries make it hard to shoot or do surgery. Wounded legs slow people down. Hands, brain, mouth, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, feet, fingers, toes, and more can all be wounded, diseased, or missing, and all have logical in-game effects.
You can repair body parts with prosthetics ranging from primitive to transcendent. Buy an expensive bionic leg from a trader the next year, and Joe becomes a superhuman runner. You can even extract, sell, buy, and transplant internal organs. Diseases are a serious threat. Open wounds will get infected. Flu and plague can appear anywhere, and tropical rainforest areas are rife with malaria and sleeping sickness.
As colonists age, they can develop chronic conditions like cataracts or bad backs. Seasons and temperature Temperatures are modeled both outdoors and indoors. As the seasons turn, the outdoor temperatures will rise and fall. Plants only grow in some temperatures. When it gets cold, it will snow. People can get hypothermia or heatstroke.
You can control indoor temperatures with heaters and air conditioners to aid survival and comfort, or prevent food from rotting.
Отлично, именно модифицированные игровые ресурсы призваны решить данную проблему. Практичнее всего пользоваться стимовским клиентом, официально приобретённым через магазин Valve или путём покупки ключа на стороннем ресурсе. Вначале ставим игру на ваш ПК, затем переходим в «Мастерскую Steam» и через поисковую строчку или визуально во встроенном каталоге находим интересующее улучшение.
Останется нажать на кнопочку «Установить» и дождаться загрузки ресурса. Процедура элементарная, установка модификации происходит автоматически и не требует дополнительного участия пользователя. Как установить моды в RimWorld?
10 Best Mods for Rimworld You Must Have
RimWorld отличается глубокой симуляцией, разнообразием игровых механик, процедурной генерацией мира и сюжета, а также поддерживает модификации. Скачать новые моды для RimWorld, сборки, техника, музыка, НПС, геймплейные моды, новое оружие, мутанты, бандиты, NSFW моды. Последние новости RimWorld на сегодня и 2024 год. RimWorld "Некоторые моды от Dubwise" [1.4]. Студия Ludeon поделилась радостной новостью для австралийских геймеров — теперь они снова смогут сыграть в симулятор колонии RimWorld. Spring is here, so we’re springing into action with a (small) update of fixes for RimWorld and its expansions.
Rimworld моды
Если говорить проще, то данная сборка дополняет оригинальную игру. Также хочу добавить, что, возможно, буду её дополнять новыми актуальными модификациями, которые обновились до текущей версии игры. Модификации хорошо работают и никак не влияют на работоспособность игры.
Взято из модов Outdoor Lighting и Wall Light соответственно. Скрытые провода. Взято из мода, называющегося, как ни странно, Subsurface Conduit. Диваны на двоих и двери 2x1.
Упавшие колонисты могут ползти — засчитываем за «новую фичу», ладно. Добавлены команды на очистку комнаты и добычу всей рудной жилы. Взяты из модов CleaningArea и Vein Mine соответственно. Многопоточный рендеринг без многопоточных вычислений. Зачем это надо, когда есть RimThreaded — тайна сие великая есть. Из действительно нового в 1.
Но это буквально все, что можно назвать полностью авторским контентом в этом патче. Напомню, на него ушел ГОД. Тупая идея в колхозном исполнении Знаете, игре Rimworld действительно катастрофически не хватает многих критически важных вещей, решение которых находится далеко за пределами возможностей моддеров по определению. Например, игроки уже очень давно вопиют о необходимости полноценно добавить какие-то формы тяжелой техники помимо десантных капсул. Дайте нам грузовики и «броню»! Какого черта колония индустриального уровня должна снаряжать караваны?!
Автор: Corel Или серьезно расширить применение различных видов энергии, используемой в геймплее. А что насчет более глубокой проработки систем торговли и коммуникаций с другими фракциями?
Размести свой мод, статью или новость и заработай! Подробнее Научно-фантастический симулятор колонии под управлением ИИ-рассказчика.
RimWorld управляет тремя людьми, выжившими после крушения космического лайнера, в строительстве колонии в приграничном мире на краю изученного пространства. Источники вдохновения этой игры -это дух космического вестерна Firefly, глубокая проработка Dwarf Fortress и эпические Dune и Warhammer 40 000.
You can save up to 4 defensive positions so if your base has multiple entrances or you have to fall back during a defense. Download Defensive Positions. Combat Extended Mod: Fastrack Edition The combat extended mod is an extension of the prevailing combat mod that adds more detail to the combat edition and also allow access to third-party mods to add more elements to the game. The biggest advantage of this mod is you can add frequent ammo to your inventory and help you finish more of your quests.
The Fastrack edition of the combat pack is one of the most used mod by the gaming community of Rimsworld. Star Wars: Lightsaber Mod The mod packs all the features that made star wars a loved franchise. The classic Lightsaber mod is a well-known characteristic that binds the emotion of the Star Wars franchise and the same can be added to the characters of Rimworld. You can make your characters to hold lightsabers and deflect bullets with this mod. These sabers are fully customized with SFX that would help you to load crystals and use them to defend your character from bullets. Download Star Wars: Lightsaber Mod.
Save Our Ship 2. The mod theme is all about galactic space where you can build an orbital fortress and also set an atmosphere where you can explore more of ancient ruins that are in and around space. With this mod, you can also travel between various rimworlds using a basic ship. The added advantage of the basic ship is you are free from raids, there you can store small amounts of loots. You can convert this basic ship into a more full-fledged ship by which you can use this as a launchpad to enable quests. It is more of a portal to help you travel between spaces in the rimworld.
Download Save Our Ship 2. Tangle Weed Mod The Tangleweed vine is one of the most difficult plants to grow but once grown fully it has a lot of potentials. You can plant the tangle weed around your colony and use it as a defense parameter. With this mod, you can grow the tangle weed around your colony to slow down the enemies that try to approach your colony and also prevent them from getting very close and destroying your assets.