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Mobile Legends: Bang Bang | Roger is very efficient in chasing low HP enemies because of his passive, so take advantage of it to chase non-mobile heroes for easy gold. |
Mobile Legends Roger Pro Guide & Build April 28, 2024 | Путеводитель Роджера по Mobile Legends | Роджер Лучший билд и эмблема. Роджер — профессиональный лесник и один из самых смертоносных финишеров в игре Mobile Legends. |
Roger Skill Analysis Guide 2023 Mobile Legends | Самый мощный обстрел Белгорода за всю войну / Новости России. |
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang | Роджер, Ужасный Охотник на волков, является героем в Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. |
Use his ranged attacks in human form to poke and harass enemy heroes, while taking advantage of his increased mobility and damage in werewolf form to secure kills and push objectives. Clear camps quickly using his AOE abilities and use his mobility to invade the enemy jungle and steal buffs. Prioritize getting the gold and experience advantage to snowball your team to victory. Communicate with your team, and if the enemy team is distracted or engaged in a team fight, take advantage and push objectives to force them to respond. Itemization: Adapt your item build based on the game situation. Start with jungle items and prioritize damage items like Blade of the Heptaseas and Endless Battle. Build defensive items like Blade Armor or Immortality if you are getting focused in team fights, and consider buying a Bloodlust Axe for sustain.
Look for opportunities to flank the enemy team and engage in team fights, activating your ult to stun multiple enemies and set up kills for your team. Communication and coordination with your team are key to secure successful engagements. Map Awareness: Constantly observe the mini-map to gauge the position of enemy heroes and anticipate potential ganks. Be proactive in making plays across the map and maintaining map control. In conclusion, mastering Roger in Mobile Legends requires a combination of mechanical skill, game sense, and teamwork. With these advanced strategies, you can take your Roger gameplay to the next level and become a formidable force on the battlefield.
Focus on mastering his transformation between human and wolf form, as well as his combo skills. Additionally, learning proper positioning and map awareness will greatly improve your gameplay with Roger. Keep practicing and analyzing your gameplay to identify areas for improvement. What are the best strategies for playing Roger in the current meta? In the current meta, Roger excels at split pushing and picking off enemies in small skirmishes. One effective strategy is to push a side lane while your team creates pressure in other lanes.
Additionally, coordinate with your team to ambush isolated enemies and quickly eliminate them with your burst damage. Communication and map awareness are key to executing these strategies successfully. What items should I prioritize when playing Roger? When playing Roger, it is important to prioritize items that enhance his damage output and sustainability.
And slows down enemies and reduces their physical defense. Second skill: The second skill of Rogers increases his movement speed. Ultimate: Roger jumps into a wolf and slows down enemies when he hits a target. He also gets defense and movement speed in wolf form. Wolf form: First skill: Roger jumps forward and deals damage to up to 3 enemies nearby. It indicates his attack speed when he is in this form.
Очень уязвим к контролю. Очень уязвим к героям с разрушительным разовым уроном. В начальной стадии игры он не владеет внушительным уроном, поэтому лучше сначала выфармить необходимые предметы, без особой необходимости не ввязываясь в файты. Геймплей: Лучший выбор будет — боковая линия. Роджер не самый сильный мидер, поскольку не имеет разового колоссального урона. На линию лучше всего идти с танком или саппортом, с расчётом на то, что вас часто будут оставлять на соло фарме.
Роджер начитает представлять угрозу после покупки 2-3 предметов.
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Роджер: анонс и обзор нового облика Киберволк
In this post we are sharing Mobile Legends Roger Skill analysis, Roger Best Build, Roger Guide & Gamplay, Roger Best Spell & Emblem Set & Much more. Roger caught up with and blindsided White Tooth just as he was devouring a little girl, and Roger cut open the wolf's belly. В этом обновлении мы внесли существенные изменения в следующих героев: Флорин, Аврора, Роджер, Фрейя и Мартис. Главная» Новости» Mobile legends новости.
Mobile Legends[RUS]
НОВЫЙ ОБНОВЛЕННЫЙ ЭПИК СКИН | РОДЖЕР| MOBILE LEGENDS 2023 | Zerochan has 9 Roger (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang!) anime images, wallpapers, HD wallpapers, and many more in its gallery. |
Mobile Legends Roger Guide | Roger Best Build 2024 | Roger is much favored by Mobile Legends players because the damage from his attack skills is quite painful. |
ВЫБИВАЮ СКИНЫ: ТРАНСФОРМЕРЫ MOBILE LEGENDS / РАКО - ГАЙД РОДЖЕР | roger mobile legend He has the special ability to transform into a werewolf. This ability very quickly increases the damage Roger generates while in wolf mode. |
Роджер: анонс и обзор нового облика Киберволк | Mobile legends will not be complete without the ever-reliable roamers. |
Mobile Legends Roger Guide | Roger Best Build 2024
Смотрите вместе с друзьями видео РОДЖЕР ВЕРНУЛСЯ И СНОВА МЕТОВЫЙ ЛЕСНИК. РОДЖЕР ВЕРНУЛСЯ И СНОВА МЕТОВЫЙ ЛЕСНИК?! MOBILE LEGENDS КАК ПРАВИЛЬНО ИГРАТЬ НА РОДЖЕРЕ ЧЕРЕЗ ЛЕС С НОВЫМИ ЭМБЛЕМАМИ КУПИТЬ АЛМАЗЫ ДЕШЕВЛЕ – ТЕЛЕГРАММ ЧТОБЫ НЕ ПОТЕРЯТЬСЯ – себе. Роджер не самый сильный мидер, поскольку не имеет разового колоссального урона. В этот раз разработчики Mobile Legends решили порадовать игроков, и продлили временный доступ.
Роджер: анонс и обзор нового облика Киберволк
Roger is a hero that belongs to the Fighter class. Эпический облик на Роджера обновили! картинка: ИСТОРИЯ САМЫХ СИЛЬНЫХ ГЕРОЕВ ML ПО ЛОРУ ЧАСТЬ 1. MOBILE LEGENDS BANG BANG/МОБАЙЛ ЛЕГЕНДС. Смотрите видео на тему «mobile legend roger» в TikTok (тикток). Mobile Legends Build And Guides for Roger Champion and recommended items, spells for mobile legends. the egyptian pharaoh is ready for his next battle in mobile legend's online arena.
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Ultimate: Wolf Transformation Roger transforms into wolf form and rushes towards enemies, dealing physical damage and slowing them. Ultimate: Restore Human Form Roger rolls in the indicated direction to assume human form and gain shield.
Skill 1: Open Fire Damage, Debuff Roger quickly fires 2 shots towards the target, dealing physical damage. The first shot slows the enemy, the second shot reduces physical defense. Skill 1: Lycan Pounce Roger charges at an enemy, he becomes untargetable and damages 3 enemies in the area.
In situations when you are targeted by the enemy team, activate this to escape. Ultimate — Wolf Transformation Active: Roger lunges in the target direction and turns into wolf form, dealing physical damage to enemies hit and slowing them by a percentage for a duration. Passive: In wolf form, Roger gains physical and magic Defense as well as movement speed. The transformation itself inflicts damage, so you have to drag the skill to where your targets are for added damage output.
Wolf Form First Skill — Lycan Pounce Roger lunges at the enemy, becoming untargetable, and unleashes a devastating burst of physical damage, impacting multiple foes within the vicinity. Getting a kill or assist reduces the cooldown of this skill by a large percentage. To ensure maximum damage, activate this skill only after kiting the enemies with your human form skills and basic attacks. This skill can also be used to chase enemies. Use your ultimate then trigger this skill preferably to squishy heroes in the backline.
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Roger Guide
Mobile Legends[RUS] | Some of Roger’s build items may help you in raising the rank of Mobile Legend to the highest rank. |
Best Roger build 2024: Items, Emblems & Strategy [Mobile Legends] - Zathong | ГАЙД MOBILE LEGENDS. |
Roger Build – Emblem, Spell, Items & Guide | Mobile Legends
Давайте подробно проанализируем его набор навыков и лучшие сборки для вашего стиля игры. В темных джунглях живет много злых животных, которые любят нападать на других путешественников по дороге. Роджер хочет остановить это безумие общественного вреда и выследил этих злых животных. Хотя Роджер смог спасти путешественников, но злой дух этих животных заразил его.
Итак, в полнолуние Роджер превращается в тяжелого зверя-оборотня и убегает из дома, чтобы не навредить своей семье. Mobile Legends Роджер Скиллс Роджер наполовину человек, наполовину оборотень, поэтому он сочетает в себе качества человека и волка.
This effect lasts for 5 seconds. As Roger uses this skill, he jumps toward a specific direction in which he attacks enemy heroes, which are up to 3 in number. Roger also becomes virtually invincible as he attacks these enemies with Lycan Pounce. With Wolf Transformation, Roger turns into a wolf as he lunges forward. This lasts for 0.
Slow enemies down and rapidly hunt them when going in for a kill, or slow them and speed yourself away when narrowly avoiding death. Use it to secure kills with the added damage to his Basic Attacks via his passive. The Bounty Hunter talent grants extra gold for kills, helping Roger acquire his expensive damage items more quickly and snowball faster. Roger Skins.
By Yama 28 Nov, 2022 Hukum96. Roger is a hero that is no longer played by many players in He Legend Mobile. Still, this hero is still worth using in the current meta, considering it has decent damage. This ability very quickly increases the damage Roger generates while in wolf mode.
This marksman his hero also has a skill that allows him to increase his movement speed while in human form. Roger is said to have lived east of Megalith Westland, called the Black Forest. He was once an honored warrior of the kingdom, but quit because of his stubbornness.
ФИШКА на РОДЖЕРА в mobile legends мобайл легенд #shorts 🎬 12 видео
At level two and three keep your eyes on the map for low health enemies to chase down. Dying early sets you far behind, so if you die you need to farm jungle minions and wait for opportunities to get yourself back into the lead. Take lane minions if they are at the turret and your laner is not clearing them. Mid game In the mid-game, keep your eyes on the map for skirmishes.
You should have one or two completed items, and you power spike hard with each item you have on Roger. Dive in for squishy, immobile heroes whenever you see an opening in a fight, and then go for tankier ones who you can chase down with passive. Try to poke enemies with skill 1 and basic ranged attacks.
Keep an escape ability ready so that you do not die carelessly.
Hayabusha: This Hero is also strong in one-on-one fight. If juxtaposed with Roger in the form of a wolf, Hayabusha is still superior. Being Roger can not survive the slaughter of Hayabusha, he also can not do lifesteal. Fanny: Fanny is a lively assassin capable of killing enemies with weak defenses with ease. He did not even bother to do a duel from close range to fight. Using Steel Cable, Fanny was able to injure Roger easily, without being able to counterattack.
Do you have any suggestions and other tips to beat Roger? Share your tips and suggestions in the comment field yes!
He was a hunter, rich in experience, and one who hunts for his livelihood. They were a cooperative pack of predators under the control of their leader, White Fang, who also possessed the influence of an evil power that awakened magical abilities within him. To fulfill their hunting needs, the wolf pack gradually started prowling outside the boundaries of the Dark Forest, often attacking travelers on the road.
Основной тематикой канала является захватывающая мобильная игра Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Авторы канала подарят Вам живое общение на стримах с совместными играми, увлекательные видеогайды, подробные разборы меты и тир листов, интересные истории героев, а также многое другое. Опыт в игре достаточно обширен и игры проводятся на высшем этапе рейтинга - Мифическая слава.
Роджер: анонс и обзор нового облика Киберволк
Роджер не самый сильный мидер, поскольку не имеет разового колоссального урона. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. #ODIMTOVSKIY #ПодробныйГайдДляЭпика #Роджер#Roger РОДЖЕР / Подробный Гайд НА РОДЖЕРА 2021/ROGER.