Основатель и президент группы Тонино Ламборгини рассказывает SPEAR’S Russia о семейном бизнесе и о том, кому нужны смартфоны сегмента технолюкс. Tonino Lamborghini, the Italian brand famous for its luxurious products and designs, has unveiled plans to launch its inaugural hotel project on the idyllic Thai island of Phuket, as part of a landmark collaboration with Utopia Corporation. Tonino Lamborghini phones are targeted at the young, successful and self-confident. Tonino Lamborghini wants to bring an Italian touch to Dubai's property market.
'They’ve Got the Lambo-Mentality': Tonino Lamborghini CEO on Why China Loves Italian Style
Tonino Lamborghini is about luxury accessories and design products from golf items to eyewear and coffee. Проект Tonino Lamborghini Home в настоящее время распространяется более чем в 50 странах мира и представляет собой настоящую тотальную жилую систему, которая простирается от меблировки престижных вилл и офисов до создания фирменных интерьеров жилых квартир. The Tonino Lamborghini Antares smartphone has an uphill struggle before its engine block of a case lands purposefully on your desk. Antares от Tonino Lamborghini работает под управлением Android версии 4.2 с фирменным интерфейсом: в наличии темы оформления и оболочки, меняющие представление иконок, шрифтов и так далее под стиль самого аппарата.
Ферруччо Ламборгини: биография человека-легенды
35-летняя жительница Италии с помощью ДНК-теста доказала, что является дочерью миллиардера Тонино Ламборгини. Italian luxury brand Tonino Lamborghini launched its “signature smartphone” in the UK and UAE, working in partnership with South Korean equipment vendor Dasan Networks. Tonino Lamborghini produces a variety of products including perfumes and 5-star hotels, and the Chinese market can’t get enough of the “Lambo” lifestyle.
История Lamborghini: от тракторов до суперкаров
The phone, which will launch in Russia and China in December before making its way to US and European shores in early 2014, is a strictly limited edition affair, and as such each device will carry a rear-mounted badge recording its serial number. Hewed from stainless steel and wrapped in the highest quality leather, the Android handset, unlike many phones in the luxury sector, is not lacking for high-tech features or performance. It boasts a Yamaha amplifier and built-in speakers, a 13 megapixel rear-facing and 5-megapixel front-facing camera and last, but not least, a full HD 4.
WP: What is the unique selling point of Tonino Lamborghini watches? Casa: Our selling point is actually our special DNA: a mixture of iconic design conceived by a worldwide renowned family with more than 60 years of heritage in mechanical industry and technical expertise of the best players in each segment we operate. We have been carefully selecting our partners since our foundation more than 35 years ago. WP: What role do you personally play in the company?
Подписаться Фамилия Ламборгини известна даже тем, кто о собственном автомобиле даже и не помышляет, предпочитая собственному четырехколесному коню скромные прелести общественного транспорта. Кризисы кризисами, но предметы роскоши в наше время могут сделать буквально из чего угодно; за миллион долларов продаются не только бриллианты, но и авторучки с сотовыми впрочем, обычно усыпанные теми же самыми бриллиантами.
Конкретно Тонино занимается бытовой электроникой и садовой техникой, продуктами питания и даже электромобилями. Электромобили с точки зрения Ламборгини — транспорт в первую очередь для мегаполиса; скорость эти машины развивают относительно небольшую и на гоночные лавры тезок не претендуют ни в коей мере. Как бы сильно продукция брэнда не различалась, общее в стиле присутствует всегда; речь идет даже не об обязательном логотипе компании, но об некой общности стилистики, линий.
These are pieces full of details for all those passionate about automobiles, sports, luxury, design, and above all, entrepreneurship. Just as they have demonstrated throughout their history, this family and company have a lot of innovation to offer and always surprise with new projects and challenges. This is also something to expect from the current CEO, Ferruccio Lamborghini, who, like his grandfather, is a fan of speed and motorcycling.
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Tonino Lamborghini
The brand has reinterpreted innovatively and uniquely over the years, allowing its products to stand out in different industries, often merging fashion and market demands in different periods. Taking his inspiration from his family heritage and his vast experience in mechanical and automotive engineering, Tonino developed a lifestyle experience brand with a range of luxury design products, including watches, eyewear, leather goods, clothing, sports accessories, real estate projects, and more. At the time, I was assisting my father in the family group, but I felt the need to do something exclusively of my own, different from the world of engines. I have always been interested in design and accessories, and I took inspiration from my engineering background. With the support of the designers of its Centro Stile, constantly under the supervision of Tonino Lamborghini, the company has designed and manufactured timepiece models that have become style icons over the years.
Tonino Lamborghini created one of his first watch models, the Cuscinetto, which dates back to 1983, taking inspiration from a specific mechanical element, the ball bearing in Italian translates to cuscinetto.
Наша цель — предложить бразильским клиентам, которые любят итальянский стиль, новый жизненный опыт, эксклюзивные апартаменты премиум-класса, идеально сочетающие совершенство выбора материалов и роскошь». Экстерьер разрабатывался бразильским архитектором Флавио Скьявон Flavio Schiavon : «Это будет эффектная работа, уникальная и беспрецедентная, в то же время элегантная и утонченная. В центре внимания проекта — плавные и изогнутые линии, характерные для дизайна бренда Tonino Lamborghini. Они подчеркнут идентичность компании. Конечно, такое решение представляет большие технические и инженерные сложности, но мы уверены, что они будут преодолены профессионализмом EMBRAED и их способностью разрабатывать инновационные продукты». Поэтому мы создаем среду, каждый элемент которой воплотит ценности компании.
In 1981, while serving as President of various companies within the Lamborghini Group, he decided to devote himself to one of his greatest passions. Lamborghini watches are made with the true skill and attention to detail that we have come to expect from anything they make, from cars to high quality leather goods. These watches are made from high quality materials and hand assembled in order to meet the strict standards that make them worth putting the Lamborghini name on.
The Antares comes running Android 4. The Antares comes with a tiny 4-inch QHD display at 274ppi. While the resolution itself is OK, for some reason the interface has then been shrunk down to fit resulting in tiny icons and even tinier text. If the Motorola Moto G can pack in probably one of the best 4. Tonino Lamborghini Antares: Camera Negativity will take a short recess here as the Antares actually has a very good camera. While the interface itself is a tad sluggish, the 13MP sensor performs incredibly well with images appearing sharp and full of colour.
Q&A: Andrea Casa of Tonino Lamborghini
Tonino Lamborghini is the watchmaking company of Mr. Tonino Lamborghini, founded in 1981. And yes, he is the heir of the Lamborghini family. He hopes to bring Italian design and engineering to wrists everywhere. At CES 2015, Tonino Lamborghini Mobile was showing off its new 88 Tauri Android-powered smartphone. Tonino Lamborghini Antares TL66. Recognized globally as a symbol of strength, power and character, the Tonino Lamborghini logo which stands out on all the eyewear models, has the form of the well-known “Raging Bull”. Like his father Ferruccio challenged the automotive world in 1963, Tonino has been challenging the world of style and luxury since 1981, when he founded his Lifestyle Experience Brands Tonino Lamborghini and By Tonino Lamborghini. Тонино Ламборгини Тонино Ламборгини – сын Ферручо Ламборгини. Несмотря на то что Ферруччо создал узнаваемый бренд спорткаров, его сын не имеет к этому никакого отношения.
Интервью с генеральным директором Tonino Lamborghini Mobile
И какое место здесь занимает Россия? В последнее время одним из ключевых для нас стал рынок РФ из-за его динамичности и восприимчивости к luxury-сегменту в целом. Как должен восприниматься телефон Lamborghini? Это, прежде всего, предмет роскоши или умное техническое устройство? В какой мере, на ваш взгляд, для хайнетов важна каждая из двух составляющих? Мы точно знаем, что последний смартфон Lamborghini 88 Tauri возглавит рынок сегмента технолюкс, несмотря на конкурентов из США, Европы и Азии. На нашей стороне не только передовые технологические разработки, но и качество, и высокая стоимость используемых материалов. Состоятельные люди хотят подчеркнуть свой статус, и изысканные аксессуары, в том числе телефон, очень хорошо помогают в этом. Вместе с тем клиенты ценят не только бренд, но и используемые технологии. Изменилось ли отношение хайнетов к люксовым смартфонам в 2014 году? В России рынок роскоши давно сформировался, поэтому на его экономику мало влияют даже последние политические события.
Каким будет премиальный телефон через 5—10 лет?
WP: What is the unique selling point of Tonino Lamborghini watches? Casa: Our selling point is actually our special DNA: a mixture of iconic design conceived by a worldwide renowned family with more than 60 years of heritage in mechanical industry and technical expertise of the best players in each segment we operate. We have been carefully selecting our partners since our foundation more than 35 years ago. WP: What role do you personally play in the company?
Alongside this unique design, the TL509 sun model from the new F-RR line is inspired by racing and the well-known motorcyclist, Ferruccio Lamborghini, the son of Tonino and CEO of the family company, as well as a former motorcycling champion. These steel sunglasses, with a shield silhouette on the front, boast temples with 3D Tonino Lamborghini branding and a design detail that is closely related to motorcycle design details. Spyderleggero TL500 are steel sunglasses dedicated to a unisex and young clientele interested in the latest trends.
This philosophy is exemplified in the TLG residential complex in Dubai, where residents are surrounded by exclusively designed products from Tonino Lamborghini Group, creating an incredible atmosphere of unity and style. His company, the Tonino Lamborghini Group, offers a diverse range of luxury products that combine practicality with style. Through his unique vision of luxury, Tonino has created a global presence and has made a name for himself in various industries beyond automobiles.