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Teleportation Circle Teleportation Circle is one of the few instances of fast travel available in Dungeons and Dragons. It is a conjuration spell that creates a magical circle up to 10 feet in diameter upon any surface, including walls and ceilings. The caster can utilize the circle to teleport themselves and others to a different Teleportation Circle elsewhere in the world. Wizards that use this spell can create a system of linked portals on their travels, effectively creating a domain of control and transportation. If the user of the circle knows the sigil sequence for a circle they did not create, they can access that circle as well and teleport back and forth just as if they had made both circles themselves. Considering the permanence of the spell for only 1 spell slot, this spell is an incredibly useful choice for all casters. Animate Objects Animate Objects is a powerful transmutation spell that allows you to bring up to ten objects to life, causing them to become tiny or small creatures that can follow your commands. The objects retain their original form but gain the ability to move and attack, dealing damage with their attacks based on their size. The versatility of Animate Objects comes from its ability to turn everyday objects into powerful allies. Ten different objects is a massive amount as well, as this effectively becomes ten allies and ten additional attack checks on the opposing forces.

These spells are limited in the scope of their control, as they tend to lose their grasp over the target when they take damage or they might not act as you intended or hoped for. Although level 5 spell slots are limited, Wizards hoping to utilize this spell constantly can also replace Charm Person or other mind-altering spells if they took them at lower levels, further expanding the utility and efficiency of Dominate Person.

Здесь правит вампир и волшебник Страд фон Зарович, и он до безумия хочет заполучить девушку по имени Ирина. Сталкерить такую мадам - себе дороже. Игроки чаще всего создают персонажей, которые попали в Баровию извне. Само приключение предполагает целых три зацепки, в каждой из которых игроки переносятся в царство туманов. В ходе приключения Ирина просит игроков отвести её в безопасное место. Она испугана настойчивым вниманием Страда.

Тот приходит по ночам к особняку её брата, в сомнительной компании волков и привидений, да ещё и пьёт её кровь. И такие пляски совсем не устраивают местных жителей. В дальнейшем игроки сопровождают Ирину по разным точками Баровии, а Страд активно или не очень пытается этому помешать. По лору Равенлофта у Стада, до обращения в вампира, был брат - Сергей фон Зарович. Он был молод, хорош собой, а Страд провёл всю свою жизнь в войнах ради своего отца и королевства, поэтому его век подходил к концу. И тут Сергей приводит ко двору Татьяну - девушку изумительной красоты и нежности. Страд влюбляется в неё без остатка, но та взаимностью не отвечает. Нетрудно догадаться, что произошло дальше.

Страд заключает договор с самой Смертью, приносит своего брата в жертву и обретает вечную молодость и бессмертие, становясь вампиром. И даже после такой жертвы, обретая дар подчинять себе волю других людей, Страд не может получить Татьяну. Она убегает от него и прыгает со скалы. Простите за эту шутку. Кстати, Seravee за лонг про приключение в сеттинге КиШ - респект. Здесь в игру вступают Туманы Равенлофта. Смерть вовсе не была собой. Это было злое божество, одно из тех самых Тёмных Сил Dark Powers , которые искали свою жертву.

Как только Страд убил своего брата и потерял Татьяну, как только он испытал чудовищную боль от настолько колоссальной утраты, его душа была проклята и навеки потеряна в туманах, вместе с Баровией и её жителями. Но это всё официальный лор, само приключение написано довольно скупо и заканчивается быстро. Игроки выясняют, что Ирина - реинкарнация Татьяны, похожая на неё как две капли воды. При этом дух Сергея до сих пор жив и обитает в магическом заколдованном озере. Он узнаёт свою бывшую любовь и с радостью укрывает Ирину в озере что? После этого Страд трясёт кулаком и объявляет на игроков охоту. Финальная заруба, кампейн пройден. Такой куцый сюжет так и хочется расширить.

Главное - не увлекаться. Пока что приключение выглядит как Дракула на минималках, верно? Конечно же, Проклятье Страда не могло бы полюбиться фанатам, если бы всё было так просто, если бы в нем не было глубины. Самые внимательные уже догадались, что Тёмные Силы приготовили Страду. Если Азалин не мог выучить новые заклинания а нужно-то было всего лишь одно - воскрешение , то Страд навсегда обречён терять Татьяну. Как уже сказано, Ирина оказывается реинкарнацией Татьяны, причём одной из многих. Страд обречён повторять один и тот же сценарий - находить очередное воплощение Татьяны и снова её терять. В романе "Я, Страд" одной из инкарнаций была девушка по имени Марина.

Она полюбила Страда, доверилась ему и была готова сбежать с ним из отчего дома. Однако жители оказались быстрее и убили её за связь с вампиром. После чего Страд в гневе затопил целый город, оставив на его месте болото запомним этот момент, позже понадобится. Люблю эту фишечку. И Страд приговорён терять ту единственную, кто ему дорог раз за разом. Но не спешите жалеть вампира - Страд убил своего брата, сталкерит девушку причем каждую её инкарнацию! Ну разве вам уже не хочется ворваться в его замок и снести бледную клыкастую голову с плеч? Если хочется, то прекрасно.

Но есть у Страда другая черта. Ему невероятно, просто чертовски скучно жить, потому что он не может умереть. Даже если его уничтожат - Тёмные Силы всегда восстановят его тело и снова посадят на трон Баровии. Поэтому, коротая время между инкарнациями Татьяны, он ждёт, когда появится его второй маленький фетиш. Персонажи игроков, то есть приключенцы. Ведь им можно абсолютно безнаказанно портить жизнь. В начало. Про Страда Дед опять испортил всем праздник.

Я искренне убеждён, что если вы победили Страда за один раунд, или победили, не потеряв ни одного сопартийца, или никогда не хотели избить вашего мастера за очередной финт ушами, то вы играете у неправильного мастера и вам нужно найти другого. Страд - неисправимый генерал и патологический завоеватель. Дело в том, что Баровию он завоевал для своего отца, однако эта прекрасная долина вовсе не хотела сдаваться так просто. Он провёл в походах и завоеваниях всю свою жизнь, именно поэтому он считает себя самой землёй. Он пролил слишком много своей крови, вгрызаясь в эту страну. И, став вампиром, он нисколько не потерял в своём таланте. А это чего-то да стоит. Роман "Я, Страд: Война с Азалином" показывает его тактический гений во всей красе.

Он выкрал одного из офицеров Азалина, магическим образом подчинил своей воле и разрушил верхушку командования врага изнутри. Просто перерезав глотки генералам. И, ведя Проклятье Страда, вы должны держать марку или хотя бы стремиться к такому же уровню хитрости. Давайте вспомним арифметику. Первое слагаемое - Страду скучно. Второе - Страд умеет воевать, он невероятно изворотлив и хитёр. Но есть и третье - Страд злодей. Глубоко порочный, падший в пучину боли и ненависти, в том числе к себе.

Поэтому отступим от приключения. Главная цель Страда вовсе не получить Ирину он всё равно знает, что она умрёт , нет. Его главная цель - сломать персонажей игроков, обратить их ко злу и доказать самому себе, что сломаться может каждый. Это и есть сумма всех трёх слагаемых его личности. Однако мучение, как хорошее вино, должно настояться. Да, можно явиться на первом же уровне и уничтожить партию Страд за удар наносит 24 единицы урона, на первых уровнях это фатально , однако это скучно. Издевательство должно быть изобретательным, долгим, мучительным, несправедливым. Можно даже пнуть их собаку, прямо как Дио.

Я не просто так обратил внимание на то, что Страд затопил целый город. Страд не просто так заявляет: "Я - древний, я - сама земля". Он подчинил себе Баровию без остатка. Он властвует над её флорой и фауной. Он может заставить любое животное атаковать игрока, даже кролика. Если он в ярости - с неба льёт ливень и сверкают молнии.

And on top of charm, they are also considered incapaticated with no movement speed. A grand, hypnotic escape, or a chance to buy you some time. Greater Invisibility The better counterpart to its 2nd level self, greater invisibility lasts much shorter but is much more effective. Attacking, spell casting, anything that might remove your usual invisibility can be performed with this one without losing your camouflage. Simulacrum We have mostly focused on low level illusion spells for their reliability and utilities. Simulacrum though, is not an easy to perform spell. And it takes 12 hours to cast it, so nothing instantaneous. Then why is it on top of our list? Simulacrum is a game-breaking level spell. It allows you to create a construct duplicate of an existing creature that needs to be in range all 12 hours while casting. It has a corporeal form, and the only difference is that it has half the hit points and has the construct type. It cannot level up, but can cast spells the original creature has, even if it cannot regain the slots. This is a god-level spell that is absurdly powerful. There are many ways to break the campaign or the game with it. For example one of them is copying yourself, as a 20 level wizard, with an unexpended wish spell in their spell book.

Watery Sphere : Use on enemy spellcasters whose Strength saving throws are likely to fail. Utility Arcane Eye : Scout safely from a distance to map out entire dungeons and strongholds. Charm Monster : You can learn a lot from a happy monster who is willing to talk to you. Mephits can be summoned in bulk, for example. The Mephits collectively use breath attacks for machine-gun AOE, and they explode with various effects when they die. They can fly and swim. This spell is packed with mischief. This spell is deceptively useful. I often see it come in handy. Dimension Door : Teleportation with a long-range and no line-of-sight requirement. Works well for a Contingency spell at higher levels. Bring a friend! Greater Invisibility : Continue casting non-concentration spells while concealed. It can be cast on allies. Shorter duration than Invisibility, but with more options for what you can do without ending the illusion. Polymorph : One of the best, most versatile spells in the game. Make sure you download an app for beast stats to save time your group will thank you. The damage output of this spell is no joke. Dominate Person : Does nothing if they save, but you can work so much mischief if they fail. You can take complete control of a humanoid. Paralyze them so your Paladin can auto-crit them. Watch out for paralysis-immune creatures. Seeming : You usually dress yourself up for Halloween, but now you can dress up your friends. Scrying : Sharing is caring, and spying is not dying. The more information your party has, the better. Learn to scry on the right person at the right time so your party can always be prepared and remain a step ahead. Some DMs might resist giving you information this way, so ask first. Versatility Conjure Elemental : Elementals make useful summons. Upcasting will allow you to summon an Invisible Stalker to locate a creature seek make sure you can communicate with the Invisible Stalker about the whereabouts. Dream : I wrote an article about the Dream spell and its uses. I recommend reading it. You can harass enemies, start a business, communicate over long distances, train with a mentor, and so much more. Wall of Stone : Unlike Wall of Force, this wall can become a permanent fixture. There is creativity embedded in this spell beyond mere battlefield control. Telekinesis : Another spell that rewards creativity. But what I really get excited about is the rare ability to swipe items that are presently held. You can snatch weapons and arcane focuses from your enemies! The freezing water aspect makes it even better. You can set up impromptu traps by delaying the blast in a small globe. Sunbeam : Use your action every turn to deal premium radiant damage in a decent-sized line area. Utility Soul Cage : You can gain heaps of valuable, actionable information from the fallen. Versatility Contingency : This spell opens your mind to new possibilities. When you constantly wish you could cast certain spells as a reaction, now you can of fifth level or lower. You can automatically cast Dispel Magic at fifth level on yourself when a harmful spell affects you. Make sure you understand which spells are compatible with Contingency, so you get it right. Get creative based on your needs! Disintegrate : Pick this less for the damage and more for the ace up your sleeve against anyone with a Force Cage or Wall of Force. You can also use it to clear debris or make your own door through a castle wall.

10. Shore of Dreams

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Hexasorcadin 5e

creating a DnD 5th edition campaign (Dimgaard). A large list of official and unofficial spells for Dungeons and Dragons 5e, easily sortable and searchable. Long gone are the days of the heal-bot Cleric. This class packs a punch in combat and comes with some pretty awesome, game-changing spells.


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Dispel Magic

Вы проклинаете существо, которое видите в пределах дистанции. Пока заклинание активно, Вы причиняете цели дополнительный урон некротической энергией 1к6 каждый раз, когда попадаете по ней атакой. Кроме того, выберите одну характеристику, когда накладываете заклинание. dnd-5e. Featured on Meta. Upcoming initiatives on Stack Overflow and across the Stack Exchange network. Спасибо команде Мне не хватало подобного, когда я водил Shadowrun. Clever Cantrip Uses: Prestidigitation (DnD 5E). [5e] What are the best spells in DND?

List of Dungeons & Dragons 5e Spells by Damage

Нанесите врагу легкое ранение. Дополнительно, существо магически связано на 1 минуту. В конце каждого хода может совершить Спасбросок по Интеллекту сложность 16 для прерывания действия эффекта. Нанесите двойной максимальный урон цели. Существо также получает тяжелое ранение. В конце каждого хода может совершить Спасбросок по Интеллекту сложность 18 для прерывания действия эффекта. Молния 1 Ты называешь это критом? Существо не может использовать реакцию до конца своего следующего хода. Нанесите урон как обычно, а затем выберите цель в радиусе 15 футов от изначальной цели.

Она должна преуспеть в Спасброске по Ловкости сложность 14 или получит половину урона. Бросьте кубики урона дважды, а затем выберите цель в радиусе 15 футов от изначальной цели. Она должна преуспеть в Спасброске по Ловкости сложность 18 или получит половину урона. Бросьте кубики урона дважды, а также нанесите легкое ранение по цели. Если цель носит металлическую броню — нанесите тяжёлое ранение. Нанесите максимальное количество урона, а затем бросьте ещё один кубик урона и добавьте его к результату. Существо, и каждое другое существо по вашему желанию в радиусе 15 футов от первой цели, не может совершать реакции до кона своего следующего хода. Цель получает лёгкое ранение.

Нанесите двойной максимальный урон, а также добавьте цели тяжелое ранение. Нанесите двойной максимальный урон, а затем выберите другую цель в радиусе 15 футов от изначальной цели. Она должна преуспеть в Спасброске по Ловкости сложность 20 или получит половину урона. Затем нанесите основной цели тяжелое ранение. Некротика 1 Ты называешь это критом? Бросьте обычный урон. Цель не может восстанавливать здоровье до начала следующего хода. Бросьте кубики как обычно и нанесите урон.

Максимальное количество здоровья цели уменьшается на это же число. Бросьте дважды кубики для определения урона. Максимальное количество здоровья цели уменьшается на такое же количество. Существо не может восполнять здоровье в течение минуты. В конце своего хода оно может совершить Спасбросок Сложность 16 для прекращения эффекта. Нанесите максимальный урон от ваших кубиков, а затем бросьте еще один кубик и добавьте его к результату. Максимальное здоровье существа уменьшается на итоговое значение. Также нанесите тяжелое ранение.

Нанесите двойной максимальный урон по цели. Нанесите тяжелое ранение. Максимальное здоровье цели снижается на это же значение. Существо не может восстанавливать здоровье до конца своего следующего хода. Нанесите тяжёлое ранение. Яд 1 Ты называешь это критом?

It would be awesome if blind individuals could fully use this app. I would be able to recommend this app, I would buy it, pay the subscription and also recommended to others. Please fix these inaccessible features.

You seem to have a very refined, interface and menu system. Thank you so much for the great effort! Developer Response , Dear Newdeath gaming, thank you so much for your feedback. Please update the app: you will find a button to close the spell tab and return to the main screen. We hope you like it! Data Not Collected The developer does not collect any data from this app.

Greater Invisibility : Continue casting non-concentration spells while concealed. It can be cast on allies. Shorter duration than Invisibility, but with more options for what you can do without ending the illusion. Polymorph : One of the best, most versatile spells in the game.

Make sure you download an app for beast stats to save time your group will thank you. The damage output of this spell is no joke. Dominate Person : Does nothing if they save, but you can work so much mischief if they fail. You can take complete control of a humanoid. Paralyze them so your Paladin can auto-crit them. Watch out for paralysis-immune creatures. Seeming : You usually dress yourself up for Halloween, but now you can dress up your friends. Scrying : Sharing is caring, and spying is not dying. The more information your party has, the better. Learn to scry on the right person at the right time so your party can always be prepared and remain a step ahead.

Some DMs might resist giving you information this way, so ask first. Versatility Conjure Elemental : Elementals make useful summons. Upcasting will allow you to summon an Invisible Stalker to locate a creature seek make sure you can communicate with the Invisible Stalker about the whereabouts. Dream : I wrote an article about the Dream spell and its uses. I recommend reading it. You can harass enemies, start a business, communicate over long distances, train with a mentor, and so much more. Wall of Stone : Unlike Wall of Force, this wall can become a permanent fixture. There is creativity embedded in this spell beyond mere battlefield control. Telekinesis : Another spell that rewards creativity. But what I really get excited about is the rare ability to swipe items that are presently held.

You can snatch weapons and arcane focuses from your enemies! The freezing water aspect makes it even better. You can set up impromptu traps by delaying the blast in a small globe. Sunbeam : Use your action every turn to deal premium radiant damage in a decent-sized line area. Utility Soul Cage : You can gain heaps of valuable, actionable information from the fallen. Versatility Contingency : This spell opens your mind to new possibilities. When you constantly wish you could cast certain spells as a reaction, now you can of fifth level or lower. You can automatically cast Dispel Magic at fifth level on yourself when a harmful spell affects you. Make sure you understand which spells are compatible with Contingency, so you get it right. Get creative based on your needs!

Disintegrate : Pick this less for the damage and more for the ace up your sleeve against anyone with a Force Cage or Wall of Force. You can also use it to clear debris or make your own door through a castle wall. The damage is good if it works, but it does nothing against a successful saving throw. Hedge your bets by using other spells to restrain an enemy before attempting Disintegrate. Investiture of Stone : This spell is good for what is essentially the ability of an Earth Elemental to glide through earth and stone. The other abilities are fine, but many attacks are magical at this point in the game, meaning you might not benefit from the resistances. Mass Suggestion : This spell is nuts! This only works for parties who are planners and have time to set up ambushes or protective measures. Offense Crown of Stars : Once cast, you can use your bonus action each turn to make spell attacks. No concentration is necessary.

Project Image : Useful for having long-distance conversations and scouting. Teleport : Incredibly useful in campaigns with large maps to traverse. Versatility Force Cage : No concentration is needed to completely shut down most enemies without a saving throw. The cage version is a death trap for anyone who lacks escape spells or abilities.

Artillerist and Battle Smith Artificer Subclasses — Both of these subclasses get access to Shield no matter what they choose to prepare, the typically high AC of Artificers makes Shield very potent for these subclasses. Magical Secrets Bard Class Feature — This feature allows you to choose whatever spell you like, from any spell list, and make it a Bard spell for you.

This is more economical for College of Lore Bards that get Magical Secrets at 6th level, allowing you to use it earlier and not having to choose between it and many more, much higher level spells. Magic Initiate Feat — Taking this feat, and choosing either the Sorcerer or Wizard spell list, would allow you to cast Shield once per day in addition to gaining two cantrips. Githzerai Subrace — This type of Gith is able to cast Shield once per long rest, with the added bonus that it requires no components to do so. How to roleplay the Shield 5E spell Need some help roleplaying the Shield spell? A shimmering blue energy barrier springs up in front of you, blocking the blow and sending sparks flying in all directions. The force of the impact rattles your arm, but you stand firm, knowing that you are protected by your magic.

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The 15 Best High-Level Spells in 5e dnd. DnD 5E: How To Claim Free Starter Set (Before It’s Replaced). The rules for Hex in DnD 5e are as follows.

DnD 5E Spell Spotlight: Wish

The surfaces change and shape under their grip, opening a portal site. Above all, what contrasts wizards is a love of understanding. It lures them from hiding. With excellent training, these people can shoot fire from the hands, get dreams of their future, or jump between different multiverse planes.

The darkest of those magic users can get immortal Lich Kings after the necessary sacrifices made and form the very fabric of truth. It is likely why so many unavoidably go mad and make menacing dungeons. For instance, various schools of magic, the 101 of constructing a magician, and the way spellbooks work.

When creating your magician, the major point to work out is that their connection to magic. Wizards are the number of charms. They can do pretty much anything and rely upon their wisdom to achieve that.

Wizard Spells 5e First things first, the magician skillset probably means your personality has a little odd job, like from the army or academic study. Nevertheless, many wizards wind up in admin, bureaucratic, and petty criminal characters. So there is no requirement to play a person super crazy.

Or really, even that capable. Perhaps it frees you, or you need something achievable through no other ways. Can you examine at wizard school, such as Harry Potter at Hogwarts, or even find out you are magical through more nefarious ways?

Odds are, you are fairly bizarre. You will have spent a great deal of time experimenting and studying. Since the collection of spells available is so enormous, you might have picked up your abilities for all kinds of factors.

Having the ability to shoot fire from your hands may also give you a unique outlook on the world — for better or for worse. A lot of being a magician is a matter of what you will do with your abilities. The origin of your magic is the spellbook.

This grimoire can feel and look. However, you would like. As stated before, you receive a good deal of spells.

Thus, planning as a magician is also significant. Be ready for admin. These are different schools of magic located throughout the multiverse.

These vary from projecting illusions to increasing the dead. Your choice will give you special skills and spells unique to every school, with brand new abilities coming at several levels. These are the different schools of magic found across the multiverse.

These vary from casting illusions to raising the dead. Your choice will give you special skills and spells unique to every school, with brand new powers coming at several levels.

The wall can also push enemies to either side of it, or lift them into the air, giving access to a spell that separates and thins crowds. The wall is also totally solid, as opposed to Wall of Force being a transparent forcefield, so vision is cut off on both sides. This has equal advantages as it does disadvantages, but the tradeoff is enough to warrant taking this spell. Overall, Wall of Stone is a great pick that can be used both defensively and offensively- a rare trait among the other wall counterparts. Planar Binding Planar Binding is a powerful abjuration spell that allows you to bind an extraplanar creature to your will. This spell requires a 1-hour casting time and a costly material component, but if successful, it allows you to command the creature to perform tasks for you for up to 24 hours. From a role-playing perspective, the potential of Plane Binding makes it one of the most powerful spells a Wizard can take, especially when it is available at the midgame level 5 point.

Then you can access creatures from the Feywild but not a creature standing right in front of you- but commanding and then summoning a creature from another realm will demonstrate power beyond what others suspected your Wizard to be capable of. Additionally, creatures from other planes will possess unique abilities that can create fun situations and different solutions to problems that were otherwise not accessible by your party. Information, power, and reputation are all at your fingertips when you take this spell for yourself. Danse Macabre Danse Macabre is a necromancy spell that allows you to animate up to five corpses within range. These undead creatures rise and dance for the duration of the spell, which is up to 1 hour.

Your Spell DC will increase when this ability score rises. Understanding Spell DC and how to calculate it gives you an advantage in battles where magic can tilt the outcome in your favor. It allows you to plan better and maximize the potency of each spell cast in DnD 5e gameplay. To calculate Spell DC, you need to combine three factors: your spellcasting ability modifier, proficiency bonus, and a base difficulty class of 8. The next factor is your proficiency bonus. As you increase in level in your class, you become more skilled — better at what you do. This bonus increases with levels. Finally, add 8 to these two numbers — this shows how difficult it is for others to resist or evade your spells, no matter how proficient or powerful they are. Remember that some class features or individual spells may also affect this calculation!

In the end, it depends on your personal preference and the dynamics of your adventuring party. While Wizards lack a robust assortment of traditional healing spells, they possess a rich collection of support and control spells, which, when used strategically, can mitigate or even prevent damage. Thus, in many ways, the effectiveness of a Healing Wizard lies in proactive healing, stopping damage before it happens. Remember, this is a guide, not a strict rulebook. Cantrips Mage Hand: A versatile utility spell that can be creatively used for a variety of supportive functions. Minor Illusion: A good choice for creating distractions and providing cover. Shield: A reaction spell granting extra AC, potentially negating hits. Grease: Creates difficult terrain that can hinder enemy movements, preventing them from reaching and damaging your party. Misty Step: Allows quick repositioning on the battlefield, which can be crucial for a support character. Web: Restrains enemies, preventing them from dealing damage. Dispel Magic: Useful for removing harmful magic effects from your allies. Slow: Reduces the effectiveness of multiple enemies, making encounters more manageable. Dimension Door: Allows you to swiftly transport yourself and an ally across the battlefield. At higher levels, consider spells like Contingency for emergency protection, True Seeing to negate illusions and invisibility, and Forcecage for complete enemy lockdown. Be proactive and creative with your spellcasting to minimize the damage your party takes and ensure their survival. Optimal Race and Background Selection for a Healing Wizard When creating a Healing Wizard, choosing the right race and background can provide valuable bonuses and abilities that complement this unique playstyle. Secondary considerations are races that provide bonuses to Constitution for increased survivability, or Dexterity for a higher Armor Class. Their additional wizard cantrip can be handy in many situations. Forest Gnomes gain a bonus to Dexterity and have minor illusion as a racial cantrip. Variant Human: The Variant Human is a flexible choice for any class. Background Selection Backgrounds can provide helpful skills and tools, adding flavor to your character. For a Healing Wizard, backgrounds that offer access to useful support skills like Medicine, Perception, or Insight can be beneficial. Guild Artisan: This background provides proficiency with Insight and Persuasion, two useful skills for any supportive character. While these may not directly benefit healing, they can be valuable for understanding magical artifacts or ancient knowledge that could aid your party. Feat Selection for a Healing Wizard While spells and schools of magic form the backbone of your Healing Wizard, your choice of feats can further refine your character and enhance their abilities. When selecting feats for your Healing Wizard, consider those that improve your survivability, enhance your spellcasting, or provide useful support capabilities. Here are some feats worth considering: Warcaster A quintessential feat for any spellcaster, Warcaster provides several key benefits. Advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration can be a lifesaver in the heat of battle. Increasing your Constitution not only provides more hit points but also improves your Constitution saving throws. This is particularly useful for maintaining concentration on spells, a key aspect for any support-oriented Wizard. Alert Going early in the initiative can be critical for a support or healing character. Being able to set up defenses, control spells, or buff allies before your enemies can act can drastically alter the course of a battle.

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