Новости расследования авиакатастрофы

Картинка на превью с видео никаким образом не связана! авиакатастрофы расследования авиакатастроф новая серия новые эпизоды discovery дискавери national geographic. Уральского генерала включили в расследование дела о сбитом над Украиной «Боинге». Расследования авиакатастроф — все новости по теме на сайте издания Новости по тегу: Расследование Авиакатастрофы. Независимое расследование загадочной авиакатастрофы в Китае: «Боинг» в землю специально направил кто-то из пилотов.

расследование авиакатастрофы

Раскрыты результаты экспертизы крушения Ту-154 президента Польши Все сезоны сериала Расследования авиакатастроф смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве HD 1080 в русской озвучке на видеосервисе Wink.
Подробности авиакатастроф в России и других странах - РТ на русском Какие последние новости известны о расследовании авиакатастрофы?
«Расследования авиакатастроф» В военной прокуратуре Центрального военного округа рассказали журналисту о ходе расследования авиакатастрофы под Мензелинском.
Гибель Пригожина. Новая сенсация: Вскрыты неизвестные подробности взрыва самолёта В военной прокуратуре Центрального военного округа рассказали журналисту о ходе расследования авиакатастрофы под Мензелинском.
Заказчики взрыва на борту Аэробуса 321 известны, исполнители задержаны. Но кричать об этом не надо Администрация гражданской авиации КНР опубликовала обновленную информацию о ходе расследования крушения пассажирского самолета China Eastern Airlines.

Подробности авиакатастроф в России и других странах

В ходе визита делегация из Казахстана посетила техническую лабораторию при Бюро по расследованию и анализу безопасности гражданской авиации Франции, которая является одной из самых передовых в мире. Казахстанской делегации продемонстрировали процесс расшифровки и анализа полетных данных, показано новейшее оборудование по исследованию и восстановлению информации с различных устройств хранения данных и средств объективного контроля.

На борту находились польский президент Лех Качиньский и его супруга Мария, депутаты сейма, военные чиновники, религиозные и общественные деятели. Все находившиеся на борту 96 человек погибли. Делегация летела в Смоленск в связи с 70-й годовщиной катынского расстрела нацистами польских пленных. В апреле 2022 года бывший глава комитета по расследованию авиакатастрофы Антон Мачеревич обвинил в авиакатастрофе российские спецслужбы. Россия неоднократно опровергала свою причастность к трагедии.

They believe a tire has blown, but passengers on the left side of the plane see the real problem one of the engines is on fire. Soon, thick black smoke fills the cabin, panicked passengers struggle to escape, and just minutes later, the aircraft is completely ravaged by fire. Can investigators determine how a minor emergency turned into one of the worst disasters in British aviation history? The pilots are bound for Phoenix, Arizona, but first they have to find their runway. Controllers have given them a last minute change and the pilots are having a hard time locating the entrance to their runway. Finally, 45 minutes behind schedule, the pilots taxi the DC-9 into position. The airplane is soon roaring down the runway at 95 miles an hour 150 kilometers and hour. Captain John Maus pulls back on his control column, but the plane barely manages to get off the ground before it hits a light pole, slams into a building, and disintegrates... The plane is headed for the Habsheim Air Show where the pilots are planning a breathtaking, low-altitude fly-over. But after getting into position over the tiny airfield the exhibition turns to disaster. The plane plows into a forest and is consumed by flames. It is a horrible tragedy, and a public relations nightmare for Airbus. With such a huge investment on the line, there is enormous pressure on investigators to determine whether the pilot or the plane... The pilots configure the 737 for landing and although they repeatedly radio the tower for instructions, their calls go unanswered. They finally get clearance just moments before landing, but within seconds of touching down, the aircraft erupts in flames and crashes into an abandoned building. Rescue workers rush to the scene, and as survivors emerge from the inferno, firefighters make a horrifying discovery... Can investigators determine what... Hoping to save fuel during the last leg of its marathon flight from New York to Seoul, it requests permission to fly at a higher altitude. When the aircraft reaches its new altitude, however, it is rocked by rapid decompression, spirals out of control and crashes into the sea. An international controversy erupts, and within days, Soviet officials admit to shooting down the passenger plane. With Cold War tensions at an all-time high, its up to international investigators to keep two superpowers at bay. But can they prevent an all-out armed conflict,... Already an hour behind schedule, the pilots fear the heavy snowfall will further delay their departure, and after refueling, they taxi into position and accelerate. The jet reaches takeoff speed but struggles to get airborne, and although it clears the trees at the end of the runway, starts shaking violently and less than a minute later crashes into the woods. It takes months for investigators to determine what went wrong. And tragically, their findings come too late to prevent an icy killer from striking again. An Airbus A320, the aircraft is the worlds first to rely mainly on computerized commands to control it, and while its autopilot had been programmed to land on a specific runway, high winds and poor winter weather mean the pilots must take over the controls to land on another runway. Slightly off course, a controller guides the pilots as they prepare to make a visual landing. But as they descend through the clouds, the aircraft suddenly rips through the treetops below and slams into the side of a mountain. Can rescuers... Part plane, part speedboat, the twin turbo-prop taxis through one of the worlds busiest ports, and after a smooth takeoff, climbs towards the clouds. A minute later, however, just as the plane is climbing through 500 feet, it is suddenly rocked by an explosion and, from the beach, a tourist films the aircrafts catastrophic plunge into the ocean. Lifeguards immediately race to the crash site but there are no survivors. Eyewitness reports... A massive rescue mission is launched, ut all 225 passengers and crew are dead. After ruling out both a bomb and a gas tank explosion, investigators are stumped. They examine hundreds of pieces of wreckage until they discover a single piece of the hull that solves the riddle. Tragically, the crash of Flight 611 began with a problem that began twenty-two years earlier. As the wreckage rains down on the small town below, homes are vaporized and fires break out across the countryside. All 259 people on board are killed. Eleven more in the tiny town also die. The wreckage is scattered over 2,000 square kilometers, and when investigators find proof the aircraft was the victim of a bomb, the area becomes the largest crime scene in the world. Who brought down Flight 103? The aging propeller plane crashes into the water. All 55 people on board are killed. It is the biggest airline disaster in Norwegian history. As investigators piece together what happened, they uncover a problem so serious, it sends shock waves through the industry. How had a single bolt caused the plane to fall out of the sky? And why is it a potential problem for every passenger plane in the world? As the crew waits for clearance to climb to their cruising altitude, the plane is hit by a Kazakhstan Airlines jet. The collision cripples both planes. They spiral violently to the ground, killing all 349 people on board. The two wreckage fields are five miles apart. As investigators comb through the charred debris for evidence, they try and answer troubling questions: Why did the two planes collide? And can they stop it before it happens again? Its goal: to rescue Vietnamese orphans from the chaos of the war and take them back to the safety of the US. What caused the tragic accident? And can investigators find out before they have to flee the country? Tuninter Flight 1153 is flying to the Tunisian resort island of Djerba. As the pilots begin an emergency descent, their situation gets much worse. Their second engine also stops working -- the plane begins falling towards the sea. They make a desperate choice - to attempt a landing at sea. Twenty people survive - but fourteen of the 34 passengers are killed. Investigators discover a shocking mistake - that could effect one of the most popular turb-prop passenger planes in the world. But somewhere over the Java Sea, the plane hits turbulence, and air traffic controllers notice the jet is hundreds of miles off course…and headed for a major storm. Air traffic controllers get in touch with the lost plane - and try guiding it back on course. And the bad weather is closing in. The crew struggle to find their way - when suddenly, flight... Bad weather is delaying dozens of flights, including American Eagle 41-84. Suddenly - the plane spins wildly out of control. It smashes into a cornfield. All 68 people on board are killed instantly. Investigators eventually discover the cause is a rare weather phenomena - and a fatal design flaw. They see rain and lightning up ahead, but fly on. Inside the storm, their plane is hit by powerful winds that slam the plane to the ground. The crash helps scientists overcome a notorious danger to airplanes, the microburst. Powerless at 26-thousand feet, the pilot needs all his skill, and a little bit of luck, to get his plane to the airport. But his saga doesnt end there because the runway he thought was abandoned is anything but. Investigators discover a serious problem with the design of the planes rear cargo door, and recommend ways to fix it. Two years later, another DC-10 takes off on a routine flight only to suffer the exact same problem, with deadly consequences. The accident could have and should have been prevented. But why wasnt it? A blaze in the cargo hold was the suspected cause, but rumours persist that the aircraft was illegally carrying arms. Flying over Hawaii, the cabin of a Boeing 737 is blown wide open. An Air Canada Flight erupts in flames seconds after landing. Moments after takeoff, the nose of the aircraft pitches up dramatically. The flight crew struggles for control. The plane is just 350 meters in the air when it stalls, rolls to the left, and plummets to the ground. It slams into a packed hangar, killing everyone on board. Combing through the wreckage, investigators find a single clue that leads them to uncover a string of errors and faulty assumptions that have been putting millions of passengers at risk for years. Ten minutes into the flight the crew notices a menacing storm in their path. Their radar shows them a "hole" in the middle of the storm, the crew believes that "hole" is an area of better weather, and decides to fly towards it. Suddenly the plane is in the midst of a punishing rain and hailstorm. The hail is so severe that it cracks the cockpit windshield, and visibility is nonexistent. They crew has lost power to many of their instruments, and one by one theyve lost both of their engines. Theyre now trying to glide to a safe landing.

Супруга военкора подозревает, что ее мужа могут незаконно удерживать на территории Донецка. Она обратилась к главе государства Путину, чтобы разобраться в ситуации. Она предполагает: расследование замалчивается, кто-то не хочет, чтобы история Бентли сплыла в СМИ. Людмила Бентли просит передать ей останки журналиста в случае его гибели в зоне проведения специальной военной операции России на Украине. Рассел Бентли считается известным военкором, который не солидарен с идеологией Соединенных Штатов и придерживается коммунистических взглядов.

Самые трагические авиакатастрофы современной России

Картинка на превью с видео никаким образом не связана! авиакатастрофы расследования авиакатастроф новая серия новые эпизоды discovery дискавери national geographic. Восточный транспортный следственный комитет завершил расследование уголовного дела о крушении самолета, в результате которого погибли двое священников. Как ведется расследование причин катастрофы самолета Пригожина и почему МАК не принимает в нем участия — разбирался РБК. Расследования авиакатастроф — все новости по теме на сайте издания Специальная комиссия Росавиации приступила к расследованию обстоятельств и причин авиакатастрофы. Официальное расследование авиакатастрофы Ан-26 "Камчатского авиационного предприятия" может привести следователей к самым неожиданным выводам.

Чем закончилось расследование крушения самолета с двумя священниками

Причиной катастрофы стало возгорание одного из двигателей при взлёте. Также очевидцы рассказали, что экипаж падающего самолёта уводил горящий борт от жилых домов. Подробнее — в видео RT. На месте ЧП работают 140 специалистов и 33 единицы техники, а также водолазы центра спасательных операций особого риска.

Для работ под водой привлечён телеуправляемый аппарат с глубиной погружения до 300 м.

Sudden G-forces are so violent passengers are lifted out of their seats. Investigators face intense pressure to find the cause. The cockpit voice recorder raises disturbing questions about an inexperienced pilot. But as investigators dig deeper, they uncover a troubling pattern of abuse that led to a breakdown in human cooperation. They sort through the shattered wreckage in search of clues, and a close analysis of the flight data eventually leads them to a stunning realization-What doomed Flight 3272 is a danger the industry has known about for years. With a possible terror attack on their hands, the FBI joins investigators from the NTSB in an urgent search for answers but the investigation into TWA Flight 800 will eventually put them against one another, and will turn into one of the longest, most costly and challenging ever conducted. But just minutes from the runway-and fatally off course-the Airbus A-300 crashes in the jungle.

And investigators are baffled when they realize the plane was flying away from the airport when it crashed. The pilots abort the landing to execute a go-around, but as they do the plane falls out of the sky and crashes. Of the 52 passengers on board, 37 are dead. Somehow the pilots survive and insist severe weather is to blame. But it seems that the more clues they uncover, the greater the mystery. At first, a terrorist group affiliated with the Islamic State claims they shot down the plane as retaliation for Russian military attacks in Syria. But it will take clever detective work to figure out what really happened. Hurtling forward at 160 knots, the plane careens past the airport perimeter, crosses a busy highway, and bursts into flames.

The disaster leaves an entire nation stunned, but nothing prepares Argentinians for the staggering blunder that caused it. After a painstaking search, they discover the aircraft crashed in the mountains north of Kathmandu-a place of treacherous peaks where it never should have been. The crucial question is how did it end up there? Air traffic controllers are unable to reach the crew. The symbol of US military might is in flames. The country is under attack, nearly 3,000 people are dead, and the FBI launches the largest investigation in American history. There are no injuries, but troubling questions are raised. The Boeing 737 is rocked with turbulence so violent the pilots nearly lose control of their plane.

An international team of investigators joins local experts in Jakarta to determine what went wrong. But within seconds, the suddenly uncontrollable plane stalls and crashes to the ground. But minutes later, a sudden jolt rocks the plane and it begins rolling violently to the right. The catastrophe is The Netherlands worst ever aviation disaster. As smoke fills the cockpit, getting the plane safely back is a race against time. On a routine stop on the tiny Norwegian island of Stord, the plane careens off the runway and down a steep embankment. With almost no wreckage left to examine, a mysterious substance found on the runway may hold the key to understanding the cause of the deadly crash. After a short flight from the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, Garuda Flight 200 hits the ground in Yogyakarta so hard it bounces violently twice before careening off the end of the runway.

Of the 140 people on board, 21 are killed. Investigators are under immediate pressure to find out what went wrong. Investigators soon come up with a theory to explain the crash. Just seconds after lifting off from Congonhas airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil, TAM Airlines flight 402 slams into a residential neighborhood and bursts into flames killing all 95 people on board. Investigators from the Brazilian Air Force join forces with the U. National Transportation Safety Board to uncover a series of events that led to a failure so rare, it seemed impossible. The crew shuts down the engine and tries to land at a nearby airport, but their second engine fails before they can get safely on the ground. It seems like a rare case of dual engine failure, but investigators soon learn that a tragic misunderstanding may be the real cause of the crash.

And he soon discovers a shocking design flaw that could affect passenger planes around the globe. But they soon discover the crash may be the result of a shocking mistake. Invstigators soon found the wreckage, but what brought the aircraft down? But the investigation takes a startling new turn after investigators listen to the cockpit voice recorder. After controllers clear the turboprop commuter plane for landing, the pilots reduce their speed and descend, but the aircraft suddenly goes into a severe roll and crashes into the runway. Pilot error? Mechanical failure? Aviation experts determine what went wrong and work to stop such accidents happening again.

How is this collection of clues connected? But as they prepare to land, the captain suddenly loses control. Could the pilots safely land the plane? Armed only with the rudimentary tools of the time, investigators from the Civil Aeronautics Board must determine what caused the crash. Their conclusions will uncover a frightening problem that threatens the safety of the entire aviation system. But instead of lifting off, the plane runs off the end of the tarmac, strikes a tower and crashes into the Volga River. Only the planes mechanic survives the disaster. Around the globe, fans mourn one of the biggest tragedies in the history of the sport.

Russian President Medvedev demands answers, and investigators are under tremendous pressure to find out what went wrong. Moments later, the plane crashes into the sea. Investigators blamed ice on the wings - but a minority report disagreed. Could a piece of faulty paperwork explain the crash? Pilot James Thain was initially blamed - and never flew again. What exactly went wrong? Was the first officer more concerned with saving face than the plane? How did it happen?

But once in the air, the pilots get a warning that their plane is not properly pressurizing. With their aircraft losing hydraulics the pilots struggle to turn back towards Jeddah. In the meantime, the cabin fills with heavy smoke and fire. Just two miles from the airport, Flight 2120 erupts into a fireball and plummets to the ground, killing all 261 people on board. The deadliest DC-8 crash in history and the worst accident ever for... Apart from some mild turbulence, the routine regional flight is uneventful. That is, until the pilots hear gunshots in the cabin. They report the gunfire to the tower and moments later, the aircraft falls into a steep dive and crashes into a remote field.

With 43 people dead and a possible crime on board, investigators from both the NTSB and FBI must work together to determine what happened, who had a motive and access, and who the intended victim was. The pilots restart both engines but almost immediately they overheat forcing the pilots to shut them down. Without power for the second time and falling fast, they consider ditching the plane in a canal but aim instead for a narrow grass levee. With 38 passengers bracing for a crash, the pilots manage one of the most remarkable landings in the history of commercial aviation. Facing almost zero-visibility, the pilots rely entirely on ground controllers as they navigate into position for takeoff. The plane accelerates down the runway, but as it lifts off it collides with a Cessna in its path. The Cessna erupts in flames. The MD-87 slams to the ground and slides into an baggage hangar.

The plane explodes on impact. It is the worst accident in Italian aviation history and the investigation uncovers a shocking series of errors. In the aftermath, an airport is transformed... The pilots shut it down but soon discover they have a much more serious problem on their hands. The plane is in a steep right bank, and the pilots are unable to restore its flight path. The DC-10 has suffered a complete failure of all hydraulic systems, and the pilots have no way to maneuver the plane other than by alternating the power to the two remaining engines. The pilots manage to fly the crippled plane to the nearest airport but, unable to configure the wings for a normal landing, they have no choice... It is one of the last planes scheduled to land.

But just minutes before landing the pilots cannot find the runway. They decide to abort the maneuver and apply full power to all four engines in order to get their jet to climb. But they are too late. The aircraft clips the treetops below and crashes into a hillside. But they would only solve the riddle of Crossair Flight 3597 by digging into the past. Approaching the end of its ten-and a half hour journey from Beijing, British Airways Flight 38 is preparing to land in Heathrow. But just as the first officer takes over the controls, and only two minutes before it touches down, the aircraft is inexplicably crippled by double engine failure. And while the plane narrowly misses the buildings and radio antennas in its path, it crashes just short of the runway, ripping off the engines and landing gear.

Incredibly, all 152 people on board survive.

Фото: gov. Декларация призвана укрепить сотрудничество между Казахстаном и Францией в области расследования авиационных происшествий, которое обеспечит более эффективное и комплексное расследование, анализ и реагирование на инциденты. Стороны согласились обмениваться информацией, передавать опыт и лучшие практики, а также совместно работать над улучшением системы и мониторинга авиационных происшествий, говорится в сообщении.

Гибель Евгения Пригожина поставила вопрос и о будущем его многочисленных бизнес-активов. О ходе расследования, квалификации уголовного дела и вариантах раздела наследства Евгения Пригожина — в материале «Известий». Сложная судьба и серьезные ошибки — Прежде всего хочу выразить слова искреннего соболезнования семьям всех погибших. Это всегда трагедия, — заявил Владимир Путин, комментируя авиакатастрофу в Тверской области. Президент назвал Евгения Пригожина человеком со сложной судьбой и серьезными ошибками в жизни, который тем не менее был талантлив и добивался нужных результатов не только для себя, но и для общего дела.

Владимир Путин напомнил, что был знаком с Пригожиным с начала 90-х годов, и отметил, что тот работал с результатом не только в России, но и за границей, в частности в Африке. Все они погибли. По состоянию на вечер 24 августа осмотр места падения самолета продолжался. Оно оцеплено — его окружают две линии охраны, где находятся сотрудники полиции и спецназа, передает с места событий корреспондент «Известий».

Экспертизы не подтвердили взрыв на Ту-154, в котором летел Качиньский

Это чудом оставшиеся в живых свидетели авиакатастроф – пассажиры и члены экипажей. Крушение российского самолета Falcon 10 в Афганистане: что известно о катастрофе. это правдивые истории, основанные на событиях, имевших место в разных уголках планеты. Узнайте, где посмотреть сериал Расследования авиакатастроф онлайн на Кинопоиске.

Экспертизы не подтвердили взрыва на борту Ту-154 Леха Качиньского

Раскрыты результаты экспертизы крушения Ту-154 президента Польши Revealing the dark truth that aviation safety improves one crash at a time, Air Crash Investigation investigates legendary aviation disasters to find out what went wrong and why. National Geographic.
Авиакатастрофы | Радио «Комсомольская правда» Последние итоги произошедшей в Украине авиакатастрофы могут заставить задуматься над тем, что же действительно произошло с самолётом до мгновений его крушения.

«Расследования авиакатастроф»

Алкоголь, ошибки экипажа и дети в кабине пилота: как произошли самые кровавые авиакатастрофы современной России. Сборник рассказов Расследования авиакатастроф, Авиакатастрофа 15, Последний аккорд, жанр: Публицистика, автор tadashii. В этой рубрике мы представляем вам документальные видео с расследованием авиакатастроф, произошедших по всему миру в разное время. Самые актуальные новости и документальные фильмы про гражданскую авиацию, расследования авиапроисшествий и катастроф, историю самолетов и их производителей.

Раскрыты результаты экспертизы крушения Ту-154 президента Польши

Investigators face intense pressure to find the cause. The cockpit voice recorder raises disturbing questions about an inexperienced pilot. But as investigators dig deeper, they uncover a troubling pattern of abuse that led to a breakdown in human cooperation. They sort through the shattered wreckage in search of clues, and a close analysis of the flight data eventually leads them to a stunning realization-What doomed Flight 3272 is a danger the industry has known about for years. With a possible terror attack on their hands, the FBI joins investigators from the NTSB in an urgent search for answers but the investigation into TWA Flight 800 will eventually put them against one another, and will turn into one of the longest, most costly and challenging ever conducted. But just minutes from the runway-and fatally off course-the Airbus A-300 crashes in the jungle.

And investigators are baffled when they realize the plane was flying away from the airport when it crashed. The pilots abort the landing to execute a go-around, but as they do the plane falls out of the sky and crashes. Of the 52 passengers on board, 37 are dead. Somehow the pilots survive and insist severe weather is to blame. But it seems that the more clues they uncover, the greater the mystery.

At first, a terrorist group affiliated with the Islamic State claims they shot down the plane as retaliation for Russian military attacks in Syria. But it will take clever detective work to figure out what really happened. Hurtling forward at 160 knots, the plane careens past the airport perimeter, crosses a busy highway, and bursts into flames. The disaster leaves an entire nation stunned, but nothing prepares Argentinians for the staggering blunder that caused it. After a painstaking search, they discover the aircraft crashed in the mountains north of Kathmandu-a place of treacherous peaks where it never should have been.

The crucial question is how did it end up there? Air traffic controllers are unable to reach the crew. The symbol of US military might is in flames. The country is under attack, nearly 3,000 people are dead, and the FBI launches the largest investigation in American history. There are no injuries, but troubling questions are raised.

The Boeing 737 is rocked with turbulence so violent the pilots nearly lose control of their plane. An international team of investigators joins local experts in Jakarta to determine what went wrong. But within seconds, the suddenly uncontrollable plane stalls and crashes to the ground. But minutes later, a sudden jolt rocks the plane and it begins rolling violently to the right. The catastrophe is The Netherlands worst ever aviation disaster.

As smoke fills the cockpit, getting the plane safely back is a race against time. On a routine stop on the tiny Norwegian island of Stord, the plane careens off the runway and down a steep embankment. With almost no wreckage left to examine, a mysterious substance found on the runway may hold the key to understanding the cause of the deadly crash. After a short flight from the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, Garuda Flight 200 hits the ground in Yogyakarta so hard it bounces violently twice before careening off the end of the runway. Of the 140 people on board, 21 are killed.

Investigators are under immediate pressure to find out what went wrong. Investigators soon come up with a theory to explain the crash. Just seconds after lifting off from Congonhas airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil, TAM Airlines flight 402 slams into a residential neighborhood and bursts into flames killing all 95 people on board. Investigators from the Brazilian Air Force join forces with the U. National Transportation Safety Board to uncover a series of events that led to a failure so rare, it seemed impossible.

The crew shuts down the engine and tries to land at a nearby airport, but their second engine fails before they can get safely on the ground. It seems like a rare case of dual engine failure, but investigators soon learn that a tragic misunderstanding may be the real cause of the crash. And he soon discovers a shocking design flaw that could affect passenger planes around the globe. But they soon discover the crash may be the result of a shocking mistake. Invstigators soon found the wreckage, but what brought the aircraft down?

But the investigation takes a startling new turn after investigators listen to the cockpit voice recorder. After controllers clear the turboprop commuter plane for landing, the pilots reduce their speed and descend, but the aircraft suddenly goes into a severe roll and crashes into the runway. Pilot error? Mechanical failure? Aviation experts determine what went wrong and work to stop such accidents happening again.

How is this collection of clues connected? But as they prepare to land, the captain suddenly loses control. Could the pilots safely land the plane? Armed only with the rudimentary tools of the time, investigators from the Civil Aeronautics Board must determine what caused the crash. Their conclusions will uncover a frightening problem that threatens the safety of the entire aviation system.

But instead of lifting off, the plane runs off the end of the tarmac, strikes a tower and crashes into the Volga River. Only the planes mechanic survives the disaster. Around the globe, fans mourn one of the biggest tragedies in the history of the sport. Russian President Medvedev demands answers, and investigators are under tremendous pressure to find out what went wrong. Moments later, the plane crashes into the sea.

Investigators blamed ice on the wings - but a minority report disagreed. Could a piece of faulty paperwork explain the crash? Pilot James Thain was initially blamed - and never flew again. What exactly went wrong? Was the first officer more concerned with saving face than the plane?

How did it happen? But once in the air, the pilots get a warning that their plane is not properly pressurizing. With their aircraft losing hydraulics the pilots struggle to turn back towards Jeddah. In the meantime, the cabin fills with heavy smoke and fire. Just two miles from the airport, Flight 2120 erupts into a fireball and plummets to the ground, killing all 261 people on board.

The deadliest DC-8 crash in history and the worst accident ever for... Apart from some mild turbulence, the routine regional flight is uneventful. That is, until the pilots hear gunshots in the cabin. They report the gunfire to the tower and moments later, the aircraft falls into a steep dive and crashes into a remote field. With 43 people dead and a possible crime on board, investigators from both the NTSB and FBI must work together to determine what happened, who had a motive and access, and who the intended victim was.

The pilots restart both engines but almost immediately they overheat forcing the pilots to shut them down. Without power for the second time and falling fast, they consider ditching the plane in a canal but aim instead for a narrow grass levee. With 38 passengers bracing for a crash, the pilots manage one of the most remarkable landings in the history of commercial aviation. Facing almost zero-visibility, the pilots rely entirely on ground controllers as they navigate into position for takeoff. The plane accelerates down the runway, but as it lifts off it collides with a Cessna in its path.

The Cessna erupts in flames. The MD-87 slams to the ground and slides into an baggage hangar. The plane explodes on impact. It is the worst accident in Italian aviation history and the investigation uncovers a shocking series of errors. In the aftermath, an airport is transformed...

The pilots shut it down but soon discover they have a much more serious problem on their hands. The plane is in a steep right bank, and the pilots are unable to restore its flight path. The DC-10 has suffered a complete failure of all hydraulic systems, and the pilots have no way to maneuver the plane other than by alternating the power to the two remaining engines. The pilots manage to fly the crippled plane to the nearest airport but, unable to configure the wings for a normal landing, they have no choice... It is one of the last planes scheduled to land.

But just minutes before landing the pilots cannot find the runway. They decide to abort the maneuver and apply full power to all four engines in order to get their jet to climb. But they are too late. The aircraft clips the treetops below and crashes into a hillside. But they would only solve the riddle of Crossair Flight 3597 by digging into the past.

Approaching the end of its ten-and a half hour journey from Beijing, British Airways Flight 38 is preparing to land in Heathrow. But just as the first officer takes over the controls, and only two minutes before it touches down, the aircraft is inexplicably crippled by double engine failure. And while the plane narrowly misses the buildings and radio antennas in its path, it crashes just short of the runway, ripping off the engines and landing gear. Incredibly, all 152 people on board survive. But can investigators...

Идентифицировать жертв крушения будут с помощью ДНК-экспертизы. После падения самолета это чуть ли ни единственный способ опознать пассажиров и членов экипажа. Упал вниз, оставив шлейф дыма Частный бизнес-джет, принадлежавший структурам Пригожина, потерпел крушение в Тверской области вечером 23 августа. На кадрах видно, как он стремительно падает вниз, оставляя за собой шлейф дыма. Пройдет 22 секунды, и борт рухнет в поле, недалеко от частного сектора. Чуть позже веб-сервис, отслеживающий движения воздушных судов, опубликует график. По нему видно, что бизнес-джет летел под Тверью на высоте 8,5 километра в 18:10. Затем следуют две минуты горизонтального полета и набор высоты на 600 метров. После чего связь с самолетом пропадает.

Почему же все делают вид, что лайнер с двумя сотнями пассажиров упал сам по себе? Организаторов взрыва российского лайнера взяли ещё 2 ноября. В Йемене. Операцию по их поимке осуществляла Служба внешней разведки СВР , помогали ей специалисты из МЧС, а спецслужбы Ирана помогли доставить задержанных в нашу страну. В частности, они прислали военно-транспортный «Геркулес», которым российские разведчики смогли бы воспользоваться в качестве резервного борта. Здесь следует сделать важную оговорку: они не признались в том, что за взрывом российского лайнера стоит само ЦРУ. Они лишь сообщили о том, что их завербовали американцы. Детали операции по задержанию двух американских агентов не разглашаются, зато известны обстоятельства их вывоза в Россию. Задержанных погрузили, самолёт был готов к взлёту, и тут стало известно, что российский борт якобы готовится атаковать в воздухе саудовский истребитель. Здесь-то и пригодился иранский резервный борт. С Эр-Риядом, впрочем, договорились, и российский самолёт всё-таки взлетел. Эту историю, то ли правдивую, то ли не очень, поведали своим читателям десятки англоязычных интернет-ресурсов. Мало того, даже агентство Рейтер подтвердило, что в Сане действительно арестовали двух как бы «сотрудников ООН», которые на самом деле к этой уважаемой организации не имели никакого отношения, действуя по фальшивым документам. При этом ни слова не было сказано ни о причастности пойманных к ЦРУ, ни об их участии, прямом или косвенном, в теракте над Синаем. Расчёт здесь на то, что Кремль будет вынужден добиваться возмездия. На сегодняшний день российские военные в Сирии не воюют с экстремистами ИГ, а поддерживают армию законного главы государства Башара Асада, сражающуюся с прозападными мятежниками. А Западу нужно изменить приоритеты Москвы: наши солдаты должны в первую очередь уничтожать халифат, а уж после врагов Башара Асада, если достанет на то силёнок. Всё ещё не верите, что взрыв аэробуса — дело рук Запада? Тогда ознакомьтесь с выводами, представленными в статье для издания New Eastern Outlook бывшим американским военным Гордоном Даффом и его компаньонами из общественной организации Veterans Today. Дафф и его помощники установили, что взрывное устройство на борту рухнувшего над Синайской пустыней А321 управлялось через спутниковые системы, к которым у террористов ИГ нет и не может быть доступа. Обратите внимание, как обстоятельства авиакатастрофы над Синаем подаются на Западе. Вначале, 3—4 ноября, британская пресса тонко намекнула, что спецслужбы Соединённого Королевства располагают данными о том, что это был теракт. При этом ни названий спецслужб, ни подтверждений, озвученных кем-то из их руководства. Далее, 5—6 ноября, подключаются премьер Кэмерон и президент Обама. Мол, мы уверены почти на все сто, что это был теракт. И снова — ни одного доказательства. Москва, разумеется, делает вид, что не слышит. Ведь, по сути, громкие заявления, звучащие с Запада, не подкреплены ничем, кроме надутых щёк. И тогда Лондон выкладывает последний припрятанный козырь. Но тут англичане слегка недоработали: синайский Усама, заявленный как лидер группировки, в том же тексте оказывается штатным сотрудником аэропорта в Шарм-эш-Шейхе типа «подай-принеси». Он-то своими руками и проносит взрывчатку на борт. Но тут, как говорится, одно из двух. Если синайский Усама — глава группировки, как-то не вяжется это с тем, что он сам лично пошёл на дело. Не соотносится это с восточными традициями, там так не бывает. Но если аль-Масри — рядовой исполнитель, то кто же тогда заказчик? Мы с вами ответа на этот непраздный вопрос, понятное дело, не ведаем.

Заместитель министра обороны Цезарь Томчик отметил, что ликвидация комиссии стала "концом лжи польского государства". Представитель президента России Дмитрий Песков в январе призвал не политизировать авиакатастрофу. Хотелось бы, конечно, чтобы эта страница была перевернута. Надеемся, что так оно со временем и будет и что здравый смысл все-таки возобладает", - подчеркнул представитель Кремля. Авторские права на данный материал принадлежат «РБК». Цель включения данного материала в дайджест - сбор максимального количества публикаций в СМИ и сообщений компаний по авиационной тематике. Агентство «АвиаПорт» не гарантирует достоверность, точность, полноту и качество данного материала.

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