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Лучшие моды на мебель для Sims 4
Garden Gnomes The Sims is best known for their little inside jokes, one of the biggest ones involving gnomes. Gnome-themed shirts, pranks pulled on your Sims by these little mythical guys- you name it. But now, the joke is on The Sims because these Garden Gnomes are way better than the ones they came up with. Retail Produce Stand We talked a little bit before about how gardening can be a great boost to your Sims income.
If you want your business venture to look more professional than selling them out of your pocket and into thin air, invest in a Retail Produce Stand! Set up shop outside of your house or in a public lot, fill it with the best fresh foods you have to offer, and watch as the other Sims in your neighborhood line up to buy your inventory. But, what if I told you grass can make or break the entire mood of your yard?
Whether you like to have cut patterns, the grass is dead beyond repair, or if you embrace the wildflowers that grow in it. Fantasy grass lets every part of your lawn, even the most boring parts, be magical and beautiful. Garden Signs Keep your plants organized!
Thankfully, Garden Signs are a simple yet incredibly helpful tool to ensure everything you have is labeled and in order. The small things are sometimes the things that mean most, and it can be a little too busy if all of your accessories in your garden are big and extravagant, so why not opt for some decorative rocks to add even more color? These rocks are also a great idea for your Sims, who are trying to teach their children the art of gardening.
Instead of having boring adult decorations, they can have something small for them too! Of course, you could invest in something like a beehive and enjoy them that way in the Sims, but you rarely get to see them. I mean, really, who takes two hours to garden one plant?
The Faster Gardening Mod will help you do exactly that, garden faster! No longer will your Sims waste precious time weeding for longer than they have to. Animated Placable Insects — Jungle Butterflies If you thought that the bees were cool, then just wait, what if I told you that your Sims could have an even more diverse garden than just adding bees?
Butterflies are a great accent for all gardens, from your normal fruit and veg gardens to your fairy gardens filled with mushrooms, herbs, and frogs. Farm Crops For those of us who want to achieve not just a garden but the ultimate farm- our choices for crops are pretty limited. Choose from plants such as banana trees, corn stalks, and even strawberry plants!
Harvestable Orange Even though Farm Crops is just for decoration, there are plenty of crops that you can plant and reap what you sow.
It may not be a huge furniture pack, but it definitely livens up any living room. Mandal Bedroom Despite being one of the best real-life simulation games , Sims 4 is lacking when it comes to bedroom decorations. Fortunately, this mod helps fix that problem!
The Mandal bedroom set looks like something you could find at Ikea in real life, and it is perfect for those designing a light, airy, natural-looking bedroom. This bedroom mod adds a queen-sized bed with messy covers, a large light tan rug, two wall pictures, and a handful of other minimalistic decor items that can help make your Sims bedroom look like something out of a magazine. Fortunately, mod and CC creator Severinka is here to help you out. The garden pavilion is the perfect garden centerpiece, and it comes in three different color variations.
There is also a small sofa, rug, high chair, potty, and tree wall decoration that really helps tie everything together. Needless to say, your little girl will feel like Princess Peach in one of the best Super Mario games with this princess bedroom set. Just, hopefully, with less kidnapping. Altara Kitchen Appliances For whatever reason, Sims 4 was really lacking modern kitchen appliances, which left most cooking spaces looking a bit disjointed.
Thankfully, this is one of the best CC packs to remedy this problem, and it adds 11 objects you can use to spruce up your kitchens. While only the coffee pot is functional in this set, the other items such as the stockpot, rice cooker, hand blender, and casserole pan are just great for their aesthetic value, which is what most of us really strive for when playing Sims 4. This CC pack aims to change that by adding a modular shelving system that you can use to store detergents, folded clothes, irons, hangers, and more. Now your Sims can actually have a functional laundry room that both looks and feels the part.
Goldis Bathroom Have you ever wanted to build a luxurious bathroom only to find that the vanilla assets fall short of your dreams? The Goldis Bathroom mod gives users a brand new round bathtub, standing shower, two sinks, towel racks, round ceiling light, and more. All of these items are also available in multiple color swatches, allowing you to really customize the style of your new bathroom. If you want your Sims to bathe in the lap of luxury, this is one CC pack that you should definitely download.
Скачать Vampire Free Perks — бесплатные способности вампира Этот мод делает все умения вампиров бесплатными. Способности не нужно покупать за накопленные очки, теперь они доступны с самого начала. Скачать Unlimited Best Friends — бесконечное число лучших друзей В оригинальной The Sims 4 у каждого сима мог быть только один лучший друг.
Это ограничение можно снять при помощи данного мода. С ним у вас может быть столько лучших друзей, сколько вы захотите. Скачать Faster Integrations — быстрое выполнение бытовых нужд симов Если вас раздражает, что симы долго чистят зубы или принимают душ, то вы можете ускорить их действия в 2-3 раза при помощи мода.
Скачать Roommates Maximum 999 — увеличение числа жильцов в одном доме Модификация увеличивает число жильцов в одной квартире с 20 до 999. Это будет полезно для тех, кто хочет поэкспериментировать с устройством жизни больших семей. Правда, каждому симу по-прежнему требуется отдельная кровать.
Однако вы можете добавить её в The Sims 4, чтобы хотя бы ваши симы могли ознакомиться с консолью нового поколения. Если вам это не нравится и вы хотите, чтобы вампиры выглядели, как обычные люди, воспользуйтесь этой модификацией. Скачать 100 черт характера Как следует из названия, данный мод добавляет в игру новые черты характера для ваших подопечных.
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Как установить моды
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- Build Mode Downloads - Page 6 of 159 - The Sims 4 Catalog
- sims 4 maxis match мебель
- The Sims Вики
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- Здания для The Sims 4
StarrySimsie's Downloads
Познакомьтесь с архитектурным дизайном с использованием переработанных материалов в «The Sims™ 4 Лофт Комплект»* по мотивам бывших складских помещений в нью-йоркском Бруклине. In this post, we're delving into the world of Sims 4 Royal Furniture CC to help you turn your Sims' homes into regal wonderlands. Sims 4 CLUTTER COLLECTION • ts4 • Sims 4 Downloads • ts4cc • Custom Content • Sims 4 Alpha • ts4 Clutter • Ts4 Modern cc Harry Potter, Set Di Icone, Icone, Supereroi. На сайте представлены разные дополнения,моды и коды для симс венный участок New York City Lot от Bommiesims для Симс 4. Релиз комплектов «Возрождение гранжа» и «Книжный уголок» для The Sims 4 запланирован на 1 июня для ПК, PlayStation и Xbox. Find loads of Sims 4 Houses CC downloads for free.
For Simmers
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- Дома, города, строительство моды для The Sims 4 -
- The Official Mod Hub for The Sims 4
- LittleMsSam's Sims 4 Mods
- Большая сборка контента от Jomsims
- The 25 Best Sims 4 Furniture Mods & CC Packs (2024) | Gaming Gorilla
- 200 StarrySimsie's Downloads ideas | sims 4, sims 4 custom content, sims cc
21+ Best Sims 4 Royal Furniture CC Packs Fit for a Monarch
симс 4. симы. sims 4. персонаж. Воплотите мечты своих клиентов в реальность в «The Sims™ 4 Интерьер мечты Игровой набор»*! Скачать моды на строительство и поселения для Фоллаут 4, новые дома, каталог модов на постройки для поселения и убежища в Fallout 4. Лучшие моды для «Симс» мы собрали в этой статье. Набор светильников «Горные огни» для Симс 4. Скачать мод.
95+ Best Sims 4 House / Lots Mods & CC to Download in 2024
Ищи в галерее Plumlu. Домик в деревне Этот участок, может, и проигрывает многим из подборки по оригинальности, но тут очень красиво организован двор. И, кстати, автор не использовал CC, а это всегда жирный плюс для тех, кто не хочет засорять игру. Ищи в галерее PinkFizzieElf. Домик для Скелехильды Идеальный участок для симмеров, которые с нетерпением ждали возвращения костлявой красотки. Домик для эльфов и фей И других симов, которые любят, когда вокруз все цветет и зеленеет.
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This amazingly delightful and completely stunning Sims 4 royal CC set has what it takes to give your library a spellbinding transformation. Oh So Antique Sims 4 Furniture CC Set by SSTS Prepare to be amazed and inspired by this fabulous Sims 4 cc set of 13 items: from silk beddings to decorative items, a bedframe to a wardrobe, a dresser to a stand, and a mirror to a fully functional vanity. It even brings an ottoman, chair, curtains, and more! Click the download link below and see all the items included. Can you believe it? Such a marvelous Sims 4 royal furniture CC set! His creations are a sight to behold: so incredibly real, detailed, still maxis-matchy, and cute at the same time. I could have created a whole article on the best Sims 4 royal furniture cc with only his creations in there. As an example, have you seen the Chateau series? And that charming pet bed he created? One look at it fills my heart with affection. I mean, after seeing these cc, how could you not love them? This collection has wall panels, ceilings, a matching chair, and a double bed. Sleep like a queen with this magnificent set! Taking the time to make sure you own all the required EPs is definitely worthwhile — having this castle in your virtual world will truly enhance your experience! Also, this build features some incredible cc pieces from Felixandre.
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