Find the best Lissandra build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.8. Лиссандра — легендарный герой из фракции Высшие эльфы, относящийся к элементу Духа и выступающий в роли героя Поддержки. Discover the best Lissandra decks from the Legends of Runeterra community with our extensive LoR deck database.
Lissandra MIDDLE - Runes, Build, Guide - League of Legends
The right selection can accentuate her strengths, allowing her to control battles and unleash the full brunt of her chilling might. Here, we delve deep into the Pro Lissandra Builds, revealing the items favored by professionals in various game scenarios. Health Potion x2 : Essential for early lane sustain, these ensure Lissandra can stay in lane longer against poke and trades.
Независимо от того, будете вы использовать яд или нет, если повезет получить Бад Эль-Казара, то он обязательно должен стать частью команды. Поскольку вас в большей степени должна интересовать «Темная сфера» Эль-Казада, то нужно сосредоточиться на увеличении ее урона и получении максимального исцеляющего эффекта для всех членов команды.
As she navigated the fitful visions of those around her, she realized only she could see the darkness below for what it was: the lingering abyss promised not only an ending, but infinity. It was death, both dangerous and full of potential. Unknown to her sisters, Lissandra struck a deal on their behalf with the god-like entities she had communed with—the Watchers would grant them near-immortality in exchange for preparing Runeterra for the coming of the Void. The three sisters and their most powerful followers were named Iceborn. Those with this ability to withstand the worst of the numbing frost would be spared until the very end.
Avarosa argued that the only thing worse than death was servitude. Even Serylda bristled against what would become of the world they had fought so hard for. In that moment, her only choices were to let all the world be consumed, or to give up what she cared for most—Lissandra sacrificed her sisters and the allies they had gathered, entombing the Watchers beneath a glacial barrier of magical ice that could never be melted. Lissandra soon discovered that even this elemental power was not enough.
We only recommend the best winrate Lissandra builds that have been built by ranked League players enough times for us to advise them. With so many rounds in our dataset, we are confident in our recommended builds.
Гайд Лиссандра (Lyssandra) Raid Shadow Legends
Озадаченная этим явлением, Лиссандра решила узнать больше и обнаружила разницу между ее восприятием времени и восприятием других людей. Когда она сфокусировала магию, мир, казалось, замедлился. Вернее, ее относительное время ускорилось. Ее влияние на время было относительно небольшим. Силы Лиссандры позволяли ей искажать время для себя и других живых существ, например, помогая растению полностью созреть за несколько часов. Увидев потенциал такого дара, семья Лиссандры заставила ее сосредоточиться на том, как ее способности могут служить Аравии на поле боя.
Лиссандра посещала учения, где направляла свою силу на ряды солдат. Она могла поддерживать небольшие группы, замедляя их течение времени. Эта тактика позволяла солдатам казаться ослепительными пятнами для врага. Иногда она ускоряла относительное время врагов, и они становились легкой мишенью. Какими бы великими ни были ее достижения, родным Лиссандры всегда было мало.
Они настаивали на том, чтобы она тренировалась усерднее, утверждая, что они никогда не будут удовлетворены, пока она не сможет повлиять на восприятие времени целой армии. Все, кроме правителя королевства, критиковали ее усилия. Он же с удовольствием наблюдал за растущим могуществом Лиссандры. Когда вдоль границ Аравии вспыхнули стычки между Высшими эльфами и Демонами, монарх приказал Лиссандре сопровождать отряд лучших воинов. Он хотел проверить ее способности.
Поскольку вас в большей степени должна интересовать «Темная сфера» Эль-Казада, то нужно сосредоточиться на увеличении ее урона и получении максимального исцеляющего эффекта для всех членов команды. Таким образом, лучше всего экипировать комплекты на усиление атак и повышение критического шанса тем более это делает и «Аура» Эль-Казара.
Her death animation presents her with triangles flying about as she dies, shattering into polygons. Sounds are the main attraction offering a variety of sounds to aid in the digital nature. The combination of the visuals and the audio are enough to make this skin well worth it. Lissandras voice is pretty close to her usual, with just a bit of inhuman to reflect the concept.
Furthermore, her ultimate can full on stop all-ins from happening, as they make her invulnerable and unable to target, making life difficult for Talon and Zed players, as they rely heavily on getting ahead early and snowballing in the early to mid game. She is at her worst against her fellow mages however. When she has to go against poke mages like Lux, Cassiopeia, and Syndra, it can be very difficult for her, since her kit is made to deal with melee champions and short range mages.
Because of her short range, it is very difficult for her to trade effectively. The best way to deal with this, is to let the wave push to you and hope that your jungle can help you out, because without some help, laning against long range mages can put you back hard. Laning Phase and Combos The laning phase for Lissandra is perhaps her weakest point in the game.
The best thing to do with her during the laning phase is to play it safe. Let the wave push to you so your jungle can have an avenue to gank and help better trade with your lane opponent, especially if that lane opponent is a mage. Try to use your abilities only against your lane opponent and not your minions.
If you do, that will give your opponent a good chance to trade hard on you and you would have one less ability to defend yourself with. Auto your minions, let the wave push so your jungle can help and fight only when you know you have the clear advantage. For combos, lets start with her biggest.
Start with your ultimate to lock someone down, then follow up with your Ring of Frost and then your other abilities. This will ensure a good CC chain and make it easy for you to land your other abilities. Another combo goes with her E, Glacial Path.
This ability can be used for flanks, escapes, all-ins, etc. Use it as best your can then follow up with your crowd control abilities for that hard lockdown. Use that to your advantage for all-ins and teamfight initiations.
Runes Aftershock with Sorcery This is my personal favorite rune setup, as the Aftershock rune gives her more survivability when going all in on a teamfight in the mid to late game. The defense when activated, plus the additional damage afterwards fits her playstyle as an AP fight initiator and teamfighter well. For the rest of the rune tree, go Font of Life for the heal not only for yourself, but for your teammates in the area, Bone Platting for the extra defense and Overgrowth for more health, since Lissandra can easily be bursted down, the more hp you have, the better.
Electrocute with Sorcery This rune tree is her more popular one, as this one gives Lissandra extra burst with her combos, while drawing back on her survivability.
The Best Lissandra Skins in League of Legends (Ranked)
Видео о ЛИССАНДРА Lissandra : ГАЙД, РУНЫ, ПРЕДМЕТЫ, УМЕНИЯ, ОБЗОР ИГРЫ ОДНОГО ИЗ ЛУЧШИХ ИГРОКОВ!, ЛИССАНДРА – МОГУЧАЯ ЛЕДЯНАЯ ВЕДЬМА В РУКАХ. Lissandra build used by the best Lissandra players in the world. Based on runes and items from high elo Challenger, Grandmaster, and Master Lissandra OTPs and mains. This ability is Lissandra’s way to close the gap and to get into range for fights, also for needing a quick escape if things begin to go south in a fight. Statistics, abilities, information, skins, store details and more for Lissandra, the Ice Witch, a League of Legends champion.
Играйте Ледяной Столп, мана восстанавливается, Отголоски Воспоминаний на Ледяной Столп, играйте второй Ледяной Столп, мана восстанавливается, уровень Лиссандры повышается. Теперь сыграйте Призрачную Даму, нацеливаясь на Наблюдателя, который вам только что дала Лиссандра. Итак, в случае, если противник сможет убрать вашего первого Наблюдателя, у вас есть второй Наблюдатель с нулевой стоимостью в режиме ожидания, готовый предпринять собственное действие по уничтожению колоды противника. Комбо может показаться состоящим из слишком большого количества частей, которые нужно собирать вместе, и это так. Но благодаря инструментам контроля, к которым у вашей колоды есть доступ, а также таким юнитам, позволяющим искать ваши части комбо, как Призыв и Бьорг, и даже несмотря на тот факт, что вам все равно придется ждать, по крайней мере, до восьмого хода, комбо удивительно стабильно, а колода невероятно мощна. Эта версия, все еще находящаяся на Сумрачных островах, значительно меньше ориентирована на создание Наблюдателя для победы.
Additional Lissandra Build Insights LoL Lissandra players will find her to be a confusing champ to build out properly. Those who included these pieces in their gear had a significantly better win rate than players who used other item builds for Lissandra. Moreover, if you are battling a well-mixed enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting her the Sorcery, and Domination runes.
Those who included these pieces in their gear had a significantly better win rate than players who used other item builds for Lissandra. Moreover, if you are battling a well-mixed enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting her the Sorcery, and Domination runes.
In recent matches, she won the largest fraction of her rounds when equipped with these runes.
A good initiation combo is Glacial Path to close in on enemy carries, followed by Frozen Tomb to isolate them in the fight, and then Ring of Frost and Ice Shard to deal damage. Additional Lissandra Build Insights LoL Lissandra players will find her to be a confusing champ to build out properly. Those who included these pieces in their gear had a significantly better win rate than players who used other item builds for Lissandra.
Лиссандра (Lyssandra) - Гайд, Таланты, Советы, Шмот
Basically you have 3 main ways to build a deck around Swain and Lissandra, which I will discuss below. League of Legends Lissandra Build for Patch 14.7, Best Runes, Item Builds, Skill Order for Lissandra. Overview. Raid Shadow Legends Lyssandra Skills. Raid Shadow Legends Lyssandra Artifacts Guide. Raid Shadow Legends Lyssandra Masteries Guide. Raid Shadow Legends Lyssandra Skills.
Баффы Лиссандры в патче 13.1
Независимо от того, будете вы использовать яд или нет, если повезет получить Бад Эль-Казара, то он обязательно должен стать частью команды. Поскольку вас в большей степени должна интересовать «Темная сфера» Эль-Казада, то нужно сосредоточиться на увеличении ее урона и получении максимального исцеляющего эффекта для всех членов команды.
Taste of Blood Heal when you damage an enemy champion. Cooldown: 4s Eyeball Collection Collect eyeballs for champion takedowns. Gain an adaptive bonus of 1. Upon completing your collection at 10 eyeballs, additionally gain an adaptive bonus of 6 Attack Damage, or 10 Ability Power. Collect 1 eyeball per champion takedown. After spawning 10 Zombie Wards, additionally gain 10 adaptive force.
Zombie Wards are visible, last for 120s and do not count towards your ward limit. Ghost Poro When your wards expire, they leave behind a Ghost Poro, which grants vision for 90 seconds. Nearby enemy champions scare the Ghost Poro away. After gaining 10 stacks, additionally gain 10 adaptive force. Eyeball Collection Collect eyeballs for champion takedowns. Earn a Bounty Hunter stack the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.
Повторная активация переносит Лиссандру в точку, где в данный момент находятся когти. При использовании на врага: Лиссандра замораживает вражеского чемпиона, наносит урон и ненадолго станит. Вокруг пораженной цели появляется область, которая со временем увеличивается, в которой враги получают урон и замедляются. При использовании на себя: Лиссандра ненадолго замирает на месте покрывая себя ледяной коркой и становится ненацеливаемой и неуязвимой.
Lissandra Build S14: Runes and Items
Basically you have 3 main ways to build a deck around Swain and Lissandra, which I will discuss below. including Win Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate and much more! Смотрите видео онлайн на Смотрите сериалы бесплатно, музыкальные клипы, новости мира и кино, обзоры мобильных устройств. Find out which champions counter Lissandra and more on ChampionCounter. Find optimized champion builds based on algorithms for Lissandra (the Ice Witch) and other League of Legends (LoL) champions.
Lissandra Pro Builds - How to Play Lissandra in Season 14
Moreover, if you are battling a well-mixed enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting her the Sorcery, and Domination runes. In recent matches, she won the largest fraction of her rounds when equipped with these runes. We set our Lissandra build recommendations by analyzing 44,429 recently ranked League matches with her in them.
First, she will get an increase in her health growth, from 104 to 110. Named in yellow are changed from the last preview. In the late stages of the game, this will amount to a total of 108 bonus health she gains essentially for free. While it may not seem like much, for a control mage like Lissandra, the bonus health can make the difference between living or dying. Whether she will become an S-tier pick, though, will depend more on which other mid lane champions are meta.
A good initiation combo is Glacial Path to close in on enemy carries, followed by Frozen Tomb to isolate them in the fight, and then Ring of Frost and Ice Shard to deal damage. Additional Lissandra Build Insights LoL Lissandra players will find her to be a confusing champ to build out properly. Those who included these pieces in their gear had a significantly better win rate than players who used other item builds for Lissandra.
Or you can run into the enemy jungle to place a ward or even recall and buy items! Try to think of your roam targets in advance rather than on the fly. This way you can execute the roam quicker and lose less resources for it. Once a roam is finished you can either base or run straight back to lane.