Leon Kennedy Fluff Headcanons Request: saw your requests were open what about some recent leon (damnation, re6, vendetta)? maybe a little hc about the reader doing something nice for him, a little. Leon closes the door and turns to face you having not registered your presence yet he halts after a step confusion and slight fear filling him as you stand there. Нові цікаві відео на тему «фанфик леон кеннеди» у TikTok. Without Leon it had been closer to a disaster than not, and even though Claire knows she is better than most men when it comes to killing zombies, fighting alone is not her greatest strength. you & i ; leon kennedy / reader.
Фанфик "Неоновое поколение". Пейринг Коннор/ожп
After getting comfortable, he started to move his hips, not letting you adjust and making you take it; his hands placed on your hips and violently moved your body at his will. He smirked to himself, knowing you were wrapped around his little finger; he started to spank you then vigorously — leaving prominent bright red marks on your ass. Please let me cum! Please cum inside me; I love it when you do. Please breed me! He continued, digging his nails into your hips and using you as a fuck toy for his pleasure.
The next morning while picking up Ashley, everything happens so fast that you black out. Hearing voices and--ouch, felt a little prick on the side of your neck. What will Happen to you and Ashley? To think it was only 3 days ago she woke up in her bed to a bright happy morning. Now she had to survive for her life, and find a way to escape the horrible things that await her throughout her journey to almost inevitable death.. Nine years has passed since that incident. You can still remember it clearly, Ashley and you were taken to be hosts for some parasites. All of that is behind you...
He feels like he knows you. Lieutenant Branagh had already succumbed to his wounds, and Claire was nowhere to be found. So all that left was you. They had stumbled upon Annette Birkin. The most dangerous could be the least assuming. The bullet in his shoulder registers as a low burn, and his vision is becoming hazy. It becomes difficult to ignore the pain, and he remembers telling Ada to go after Annette before passing out from shock. He just is. They bring him to a bedroom where the curtains are drawn back, the light flooding in a bit too intense to be normal. The edges of everything are out of focus and no matter how many times he blinks, they stay fuzzy. I was wondering where you went. The figure in the bed sits up slightly to look at him better. Your hair is ruffled and you watch him with a sleep-riddled grin. He knows he should be surprised to see you there. None of this is adding up. He crawls beneath the sheets to join you, apologizing while he does. But if it had at the start been the latter, it was now the former, as he starts to play along, eyes sliding closed as you lean in to kiss him. The spot where your lips meet is warm, and his arms curl around you to bring you closer. Once you pull away, you murmur that you love him, and he feels his heart stop.
Но это не какая-то там типичная семья. Имея дома жену, которая принижает и высмеивает его на каждом шагу, он нашел себе отдушину. Вместе со своей дочерью-подростком...
Леон кеннеди (39 фото)
Почувствовав то что ему летят пули в спину, монстр развернулся и побежал на Леона. Однако коп успевает увернуться в сторону, но оказывается повиснутым на краю платформы, под которой находится чан с расплавленным металлом. Ухватившись за край платформы, Леон попытался подняться на верх, но его хватает подошедший Тиран и кидает Леона в другую сторону. При падении Леон выронил свой VP-70. Тиран уже готовиться добить его и хватает за шкирку, как Ада кидает в монстра гранату. Тиран отпускает Леона и начинает тушить себя, после чего падает на колено. Ада приставляет к его голове пистолет. Ада всё же успевает выстрелить, но Тиран кидает её в здоровенный реактор. Сам он падает в чан с металом правда, как оказалось, он живучее жидкого Патрика Стюарта, или кто там играл жидкого киборга в Терминатор 2? Ада же повреждает собой реактор и падает на пол.
Она лежала, истекая кровью. Он приподнял её и она приоткрыла глаза.
It just feels like Leon is making you feel beautiful as he wets his cock between your legs, and sinks inside slow and gentle so you can get used to the way he stretches you out again. And the energy it must take him to smile down at you is incredible, he wastes no amount of effort to bruise your hips with each thrust and pull you back to meet his own, delving as deep as he can every time to hit the soft wall that separates your womb from him. Not even a higher power would be able to pry him off of you now, muscles flexing unconsciously as he pumps you full and lets your pussy milk out every last drop….
Как будто кто-то взял и отрезал лишнее, после чего закинул останки в блендер, добавил туда еще сверху, а потом перемешал, пока не получилась однородная масса. Будто кто-то занимался складыванием двух разных паззлов вместе. Причем, один из них был неполный, с детальками другого масштаба, но почему-то все равно идеально подходящими к другому И когда процесс в конце концов завершился, я пришел в себя.
Окружающая действительность встретила меня звуком работающего двигателя, запахом автомобильной вонючки и затекшим лицом, лежащим на руле. Я с трудом поднял голову, осматриваясь вокруг мутным взглядом, и сразу же убедился в том, что на свет мне смотреть пока не стоит. Даже направленный в противоположную сторону от меня свет фар сильно ударил по глазам, отчего те заслезились и зачесались, привнося в палитру и без того не райских ощущений новые цвета. Понятно только одно: я жив и относительно в порядке, но вот что именно со мной произошло — загадка.
Это они виноваты в том, что случилось с городом, — Валентайн всё больше мрачнела: стоило только заговорить об Umbrella, аж руки затряслись от досады и злости. Не верю, что уродов в канализациях, например, никто не замечал. Не смотри на меня так. Я тоже до сих пор с трудом в это верю. Наш шеф? Шеф полиции?
Ты видел местное убранство уже, я полагаю? Я вот прозрела, на какие деньги это всё было сделано, когда разобралась, что к чему, — с плохо скрываемой досадой пояснила Джилл. Вот только Леон никак не мог опомниться. Он готов был поверить в жадные до денег корпорации, зарабатывавшие на тайном производстве биооружия, хотя даже это звучало, скорее, как теория заговора, — но у него в голове не укладывалось, как мог продаться начальник полиции, человек, главным приоритетом которого всегда должна была оставаться защита города и людей. И это под началом такого вот отморозка ему, Леону, пришлось бы работать? Ну уж нет, лучше пройти через ад на земле, чем неосознанно покрывать тех, кто может этот ад устроить. Я сейчас. Просто всё это так... Ты не ожидал и разочарован, — Джилл устало выдохнула и прикрыла глаза. И у тебя, кстати, тоже.
Уже говорила тебе и скажу ещё раз: не лезь в это дерьмо, ради всего святого. Выбирайся из города — просто вылезай из этого сраного участка любыми способами, садись в первую попавшуюся машину, где найдётся топливо, и уезжай к чёрту. Со мной оставаться опасно. Я знаю слишком много, и за мной... Леону показалось, что в этот момент собеседница его о чём-то умолчала.
Карлос Де Виль и ожп
Леон Кеннеди устраивает вечеринку перед своим первым днём в полиции Раккун-сити. Leon S. Kennedy Vintage T-shirt (Limited!). Ада резидент Леон Кеннеди. Ada Wong and Leon Kennedy. Леон Resident Evil 4 Резидент эвил 4 Леон Leon Kennedy Леон Скотт Кеннеди обои Леон Кеннеди Resident Evil 2 Remake арт Re 2 Remake Арт леон кеннеди. Интересные фото: Повелители ночи арт и Йода арт пиксель. When you’re once again not by his side in bed, Leon takes it upon himself to help you get the sleep you deserve. Просмотрите доску «Леон Кеннеди и Тиран» в Pinterest пользователя что-то оригинальное, на которую подписаны 5 582 человек.
Записи с меткой пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ
Надоела унылая повседневность из рабочих задач и проектов? Переместитесь всего в один миг в мир персонажей из любимого фэндома Дневники вампира / The Vampire Diaries. Просмотрите доску «Леон и Клэр» пользователя Polina Savicheva в Pinterest. Leon Scott Kennedy thought the mission in Spain was over when he successfully rescued Ashley from Los Illuminados. Leon Kennedy x Reader Headcanons Requested: noWarnings: slight cursing, mention of drinking and bring drunk, nothing worse than the game itselfI see that our boy Leon needs some more love. Genlenra фанфики» леон фанфики» фанфики леон кеннеди и ты (120) фото. На нашем литературном сайте вы можете скачать бесплатно книгу «Не тот Леон Кеннеди» Gheist в подходящем формате для разных устройств: epub, fb2, txt, rtf.
Прошло шестнадцать лет, а её наследие живо.
Now she had to survive for her life, and find a way to escape the horrible things that await her throughout her journey to almost inevitable death.. Nine years has passed since that incident. You can still remember it clearly, Ashley and you were taken to be hosts for some parasites. All of that is behind you... Its been years since you last saw him, wanted wants best for you--but are you really okay with that? Read and find out. One day, you cane from a successful mission and you found out that your husband is cheating on you with another woman he met at a random bar. Hope you like it.
Всякие вампиры, мутанты, залетные гастролеры и даже Тиран. Все это было, а вот Леона не было. Нечестно, вы так не считаете?
He reminds you of this often He is super encouraging and always says nice things. He just wants to keep you safe from all the shit he sees In public, he usually holds your hand. His life is crazy and having alone, quiet time with you is so sweet Taking him to a small, quiet coffee shop? Yes Taking him to a park and just talking?
В ней хранятся тайны Вселенной, загадки человека и ответы на любые вопросы. У нас собраны лучшие представители как зарубежной, так и отечественной литературы, классические и современные книги, издания по психологии и саморазвитию, сказки для детей и работы исключительно для взрослых. Каждый найдет здесь именно то, что подарит массу приятных моментов. Club Наша онлайн библиотека Rukniga. Club создана с целью предоставления доступа к обширной коллекции книг на русском языке.
фанфики леон кеннеди и ты (120) фото
Leon Kennedy. Leon Kennedy. От пуль не бегу, в огне не горю. you & i ; leon kennedy / reader. Любовь Кеннеди от старшего инспектора Леона Кеннеди.
фанфик леон кеннеди и ожп (120) фото
На нашем литературном сайте rukniga. Книга — самый лучший учитель, друг и компаньон. В ней хранятся тайны Вселенной, загадки человека и ответы на любые вопросы. У нас собраны лучшие представители как зарубежной, так и отечественной литературы, классические и современные книги, издания по психологии и саморазвитию, сказки для детей и работы исключительно для взрослых. Каждый найдет здесь именно то, что подарит массу приятных моментов.
He says he is, before giving his name, Leon Kennedy, following with who she is, Claire tells him her name. After an awkward pause, Leon asks if Claire lives around here, to which Claire tells him no, as she is there looking for her brother, Chris Redfield. She follows this up with telling him that her brother is also a cop. Zombies begin attacking the police cruiser and Claire suggests Leon backup when they notice an out of control semi-truck heading straight for them. With zombies pounding on the doors, Leon tells her to hold on as the truck hits, sliding into their car and lighting on fire. The impact sends Leon and Claire on opposite sides, with a leaking fuel exposition separating them.
Leon immediately yells for Claire, asking if she is okay. She tells him she is alright when Leon realizes he is not safe where he is. He voices this to her and Claire tells him to go, that she will meet him at the station. In Leon B, Leon confirms he will be there too. Claire heads for Leon, though upon a investigating a crashed helicopter that happened seconds prior she is distracted. Leon yells for her, only when he calls out her name does she turn around and the two exchange relieved smiles upon seeing each other. Claire makes her way down the stairs as Leon kicks at the locked gate separating the two. Leon leaves, not before telling Claire they are both going to make it. Leon and Claire do not see each other for a long while that night, until the underground Umbrella facility they are in is in self-destruct, following the G-virus getting out. As Claire is attempting to get a train moving, Leon appears on a video feed telling Claire she needs to get out of there.
Claire tells him she thinks all of them: him, her and Sherry Birkin , a young girl Claire saved, can make it and asks where he is. Their video feed keeps breaking up and Leon insists Claire not worry about him, just for her to get out of there. Claire makes more desperate attempts to reach Leon, though to no avail. Claire and Sherry are on the train and heading for the exit. As the train is descending, another attaches to it. With the train in full motion, the carriage door slides open to reveal Leon running though. Leon calls back to their time separated by the fence, telling her he told her they would both make it. Leon goes to handle it, telling Claire to stay back to protect Sherry. As Leon is fighting William, Claire tells him they need to break off from the train car. Sherry soon points out a semi-truck coming their way, and thinks they might be able to give them a ride.
Leon tells Claire to get Sherry out of there while he waits for the truck to come closer. The man in the truck flips Leon off as he drives past. The Darkside Chronicles[ ] Memories of a Lost City This scenario re-tells the events of Resident Evil 2, where Leon and Claire have just arrived in Raccoon City when they learn that the city has been infested with zombies and other monsters. Leon and Claire share bonding experiences while surviving no matter the odds. Degeneration[ ] Claire arrives in the city of Harvardville to participate in the Terra-Save protests against the new pharmaceutical company WilPharma and the Senator Ron Davis, when a new outbreak occurs at the airport and the entire perimeter is blocked to prevent the infection from spreading. Claire and other survivors manage to protect themselves, locking in the VIP lounge and calling for help. Leon is the special agent sent by the government to rescue them and the senator. Leon and Claire are surprised to find each other in this situation, though Leon helps her to get up and they hold hands for a few more seconds until the rest of the rescue team approaches. The senator, not satisfied with the team sent to rescue them, criticizes Leon and his plan to escape through the lobby and Claire tries to show some support for the idea, explaining how the zombies are slow and easy to dodge. However, the senator turns against her as well and Leon defends her by describing how she was prepared for the situation thanks to her previous experiences with zombies outbreaks.
Claire impulsively jumps to save her, even though she is unarmed. Leon sees her do this and tries to shoot the enemies, but a zombie jumps on him, pinning him to the ground. After a few seconds of tension and indecision on how to help her while dealing with his own danger, Leon ends up throwing his weapon to Claire which she catches with good reflex and kills all the zombies around her. When all enemies are defeated, Leon looks worried for her, though Claire has her full attention to Rani. They share a look for a few moments before Rani comes to hug Claire and Claire gives the gun back to the Leon with a smile.
He just wanted to be there for you. The reason? Moments like this one, where he was far too worried to check the time on the buzzing bright alarm clock. Set to the usual 6AM for him to rise out of bed. Leon kept his steps even as he walked towards the doorway in an almost stalk-like matter. He was creeping in hopes of not alarming you. When you walked around the apartment like this, you were often absent minded. Almost in auto-pilot, feet tiptoeing in an uneven patter across floorboards and rugs, tiles and carpets. Your mind was clearly somewhere else. Oh how you wished you actually were. He did his best to keep subtle and still when he leant against the wall in the hallway leading into the living room. True, it was hard for him to be seen as a shadow, be that with his larger frame, but he was also stealthy. You felt foggy, drifting even. Picked off of the ground and hovering over an empty endless pit. Quiet yet loud. Everything was quiet yet so loud. Like a honey covered melatonin pill had been slipped under your tongue. Your pacing had now stilled, feet planted as your body turned to face the hallway. There he was. Shirtless thanks to the heat of summer nights, hair still lightly frizzy and fluffed from how he pressed his cheek into his pillow when in deep sleep.
Calm down. Leon smiled a bit more as he came closer to her small form since she was shorter than him. You okay? You started spacing out on me" he said, now only a few inches away from her. Leon got the message and rested a hand on her shoulder reassuringly to give her some sort of comfort. She looked up at him with tears in the corner of her eyes before feeling his fingers wipe them away. Why not stick with me? Two heads are better than one. You never know when a B.