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Все, кто был в трактире, отвлеклись от тарелок и кружек, уставившись на него. Пойдём, пойдём за стол, выпьем с нами! Но Никодим с силой отдернул руку, рожа его сделалась скорбной, рот распахнулся, и он опять заорал. Поняли, гады?! Сейчас лошадь, а раньше женщина! И лицо у неё бы до узкое-узкое, я по-о-омню!
Как нажрется в хлам и давай всех крошить в капусту! Потом набрал побольше воздуха и дальше орать.
Стихотворение "Ночи мрак на Хогвартс сходит...
Коллаж "Секрет Гермионы Грейнджер" , автор Draculina. В подарок на ДР нашей любимой Мисс Всезнайке 7. Фанфик "Дождалась!
Подарок ко дню рождения Гермионы Грейнджер. В работе, глава 58 8.
0:15 опеннинг - 2:48 underverse 0.0 - 3:45 underverse 0.1 - 9:36 underverse. Это сообщество по разнообразным фанфикам по Андерверс. Underverse (сокр. от англ. Undertale Multiverse — мультивселенная Undertale), ранее Underverse!Sans — это анимационный веб сериал, созданный Jakei95/Jael Peñaloza на Youtube.
Underverse 0.7 часть II озвучка(Радикально-чернильные времена)
Приложение Книга Фанфиков Всегда под рукой. 2. Фанфик"Волна", переводчик lostProphet, PG-13, юмор/роман, СС/ГГ, миди, в работе, пролог-глава 1, в подарок всем жителям подземелий ко дню рождения Гермионы Грейнджер. сначала с полным совпадением фразы (если есть), а затем список где просто есть все эти слова.
Underverse UFSans YOU
Надеюсь вам понравился мой Фанфик. Гастер: нет, нет, это ещё не все... Share to.
Sans realizes the damage Cross has done, Ink is captured by Error, and after Sans teleports out of there for a break, Underfell!
Sans decides to join after a rude calling with Underfell! Frisk gives Sans some advice to defeat Cross, as Fell! Sans joins him to the site. Fortunately, Sans and Fell!
Sans were able to distract Cross before he could do much to Underswap, but the huge victory ends up being a flop, as Cross! Chara is revived by the soul of Underswap! Chara throws Sans and Fell! Chara begins his X-Event on the Underswap universe.
He then performs a series of events on the Underswap crew thanks to the power of overwriting. Chara was much more understanding than Cross, and allowed him to kill someone. Meanwhile, Sans and Fell! Sans tries to hide from the now captured Underswap characters, and Dream tells them that they should lower their negative feelings, as his brother feeds on it.
After Underswap! Papyrus tells his brother that this was the best timeline they could ever live in, the three were able to enter, and Sans was able to stop X-Event! Chara thanks to his ketchup bottle. Chara soon tries to reason with Sans about his own timeline, and his purpose, but with the failure of his chance at killing, Nightmare kills Underswap!
Chara, and leaves with X-Event! Chara, telling Sans to "spend his last moments". Dream tells them all to head to Outertale , another safe pacifist AU, but Underswap! Papyrus decides to stay in the AU, since he has no chance at trusting Ink after the incident that has occurred.
And as the crew heads to Outertale, Underswap!
DisclaimerThis story is rated T for teens. It contains blood, violence, and foul language. They belong to their rightful creators. Oh, and there WILL be cursing. So make sure to comment and give me feedback, or just comment on stuff you think is funny so I know what to have more of. Thanks guys!!
E left his creator place and found out about the Dimension Paper. He had idea to make his creator, happy. I almost forgot... Once I got all the five dimension I need, we will create a story together, we will have fun. This will be about a 18 year old human who lives in a world of humans and monsters. While along this journey he finds a job with the Star Sanses. Transparent and colorless mostly, but has a slight bus of lime green time to time.
The color of kindness.
Chara thanks to his ketchup bottle. Chara soon tries to reason with Sans about his own timeline, and his purpose, but with the failure of his chance at killing, Nightmare kills Underswap! Chara, and leaves with X-Event! Chara, telling Sans to "spend his last moments". Dream tells them all to head to Outertale , another safe pacifist AU, but Underswap! Papyrus decides to stay in the AU, since he has no chance at trusting Ink after the incident that has occurred. And as the crew heads to Outertale, Underswap! Papyrus looks up to the sunset, as the timeline is erased.
As they watch though, Error notices that the Cross anomalies were in the show, and after Asgoro and Sin enter in to stop Cross and Cross! Chara, Ink champs in, using his vial to erase Asgoro and Sin. He thanks Error for joining his game, where XGaster tells him to wake up, proclaiming that this game is getting interesting. With this discovery, he officially breaks the truce he made with Ink. The creator decided to take a break from animating the series. XGaster was found observing the Doodle Sphere, noticing the damage that had been done by the X-Event. He summoned his assistant, X-Tale! Alphys to put the timelines that are corrupted by the X-Event under quarantine. Alphys first arrives in Underswap.
Upon arrival, Core! Frisk and Underswap! Papyrus was found having a conversation. Frisk mentions that they can no longer help them get to the Omega timeline because of their timeline collapsing. Both Underswap!
Underverse сезон 2
Андервёрс. 1,102 Pins. 4w. Фанфик написан прежде всего по мультсериалу 1994го года "Человек-Паук", любые иные источники использовались только тогда, когда авторам это. Читать еще: Фанфики гравити фолз билл и уилл.
Underverse UFSans YOU
Фреш и эррор фанфики | Read Underverse Now! Digital comics on WEBTOON, **NOT MY WORK** Go to http. |
Underverse 0.7 часть II озвучка(Радикально-чернильные времена) | Видео | I'm sure there's a lot about Underverse you regret, but does one thing stand out more than the others? |
Underverse сезон 2 - Скачать видео | 0:15 опеннинг - 2:48 underverse 0.0 - 3:45 underverse 0.1 - 9:36 underverse. |
Фф андертейл | Новости Контакты Рандом. |
Фанфики по Marvel
На данный момент моей сферой интересов являются фанфики, коими я и занимаюсь, но, разумеется, останавливаться лишь на них не собираюсь. 24:20 Underverse 0.1: Начало истории (Озвучка). PART 1 - [Jakeinimation][RUS]. Это серийная анимация по АВ.
Фанфики по Marvel
Название коллекции: Коллекционировать: Фанфики Произведения с других сайтов Арты Сообщения в блогах. Explora el tablero de uzuku midorya bisexual "underverse comics" en Pinterest. UNDERVERSE 0.7 • Русская озвучка • Сделка всей жизниПодробнее. Звучит заманчиво? Луна собирается попытаться перезагрузить Underverse и остановить X-событие. 1397 подписчиков. Discover Underverse fan art, lets plays and catch up on the latest news and theories!